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(A/N- Okay I am aware of the problem that has happened in the last chapter about some characters and basically this update is a description of the characters you've ran into so far. This is not an update and it's also not the REAL first book. That book will be uploaded soon but I wanted to make sure it was good enough to update because for that book I'm putting a lot of work into it. It might also have a trailer to it too, depending if I can do it or not. If I can't then I would like it if you'd just comment any recommended apps to use for one or someone you know that makes good trailers that will make you want to read the book if you can that will be appreciated. There will be an update for this book soon and I will continue my imagines and also make another imagine book but for one direction. Now that I'm out for break, I'll do my best to get these things done on time, but if you know anyone or any apps for trailers, please let me know. xx)







You- Can't really put this any other way but you are basically the main character so this is about you- no matter what. I wanted to make a story/Imagine where you are the main person and this is basically your life.



Guys in the varsity jackets- I can't really tell you who they are but you'll run into them again sooner or later throughout the story. You've read about them in the very first chapter so they remain anonymous until the other chapters.



Luke Hemmings- You aren't really familiar with him (yet) but he was the blonde boy that was being beaten for who knows what reason (you'll find out later on) and he basically shuts people out. That's really all I can tell you but you know Luke Hemmings because you know---LUKE HEMMINGS! but besides that you don't know much about his actual character until you continue to read the story.



Lindsay More (Lenny, Lynn. etc)- One of your best friends that you've been knowing since like forever and shes always been there for you. You two are inseparable and your two families are really close to each other, but shes a supporting character so there's a 50/50 chance that you may or may not see her again.



Jamie Robertson (twin)- I know it sounds like a guy name but I promise you she's a girl. Jamie was also mentioned in the first paragraph by Lynn. She's a very close friend that you've known since childhood as well. She has an out going personality and her parents are also close with yours and Lynns.



Mr. Walter- Better known as the pain in the ass of a teacher that you've never had but he knows more about you like you know less about him. He's just a supporting character that you'll rarely see because he just manages certain clubs if the leader never shows. He's a crappy reading teacher.



Red head guy- You'll figure out who he is in the other chapters coming up. ;) (basically a give away)



Addison Greene- shes only a good friend but she tends to be the worry wart of the group. Her boy friend is Kris Collins (He's really no one so no need to wonder who he is.) and shes another supporting character.



Jassey- She's a close friend of yours and shes more of the impatient one of the group, she gets frustrated for no reason sometimes and she goes through a lot of break ups from the same guy. (on and off relationship) supporting character.



Angela Robertson (twin)- She's the other twin of Jamie and shes more proper than Jamie and she speaks differently because she was raised by her moms side of the family while Jamie was raised on the dads side, also a best friend since childhood. supporting character.



Casey- She's not even your friend but if you read the summary or description for this book, shes basically the fake friend that only wants to be with you for fame, popularity and of course your dashing brother. She invites herself over or she calls your brother who sneaks her in when you're away.



Bradly Simpson (Brad/Bear)- All time sweetheart but a cute bad boy. He's with a different girl everyday and he tries to hide it all with the whole innocent act. He's adorable with those pretty big brown puppy dog eyes and curly hair that will make any cliche girl melt and do anything for him. Oh and did I mention he is your brother? nope, probably left that little detail out but hes amazing and pretty chill and sweet when you get to know him.




(A/N- so that was basically (Some of) the characters you've seen and ran into or was in the story so far. I hope this helped you understand more clearer now that I've told you who was who so far and I know I didn't mention the quiet guy or the other one that's made a smart remark in the other chapter but you'll soon figure out who that is along with the varsity coat guys, Bye. :) xx )

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