Part 23

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Authors Note: Hiiiii silent readers who never comments! Be active! anyways, here's the next part. Want more parts? Follow me, vote and make sure you leave your comments under my story AS YOU READ! Thank you, bye!

"(Y/n)," Luke groans beside you. "(Y/n),"

"Five more minutes!" You groan, feeling his arms wrap around your waist.

"Babe, we gotta get ready for school," He explains, morning voice making him sound even more sexy.

"I don't wanna go," Your eyes remained closed but clearly he wasn't giving up because he kept poking at your sides.

"Lukeeee," You groaned, annoyed at the fact that he's a morning person.

"Brad told me if you don't get up I can always get this thing called a Henre?" He asks unsure of his self. My eyes went wide and I shoot right up.

"Fuck!" You yell, not wanting to leave the bed. You look to your boyfriend, seeing a lazy smile plastered on his face. You drop a pillow on his face and smile when he stays that way.

"Come on, get ready you big noodle," You laugh, getting up. He grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to him.

"Give me my morning kiss," He said, Aussie accent sounding as sexy as usual.

"No!" You whine, trying to get up, seeing that you only had forty six minutes to get dressed.

"Why," He groans.

"Because I have morning breath and so do you!" You swat his grabby hands away and run into the restroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. When you come back out you see Luke no longer in bed. He probably went to get dressed.. You walk into your closet and scream when a hand comes out and grabs you by the waist. You hit the person in the crotch and they fall to the floor in pain.

"Fuck!" Luke yells and you cover your mouth from shock.

"Oh my god, Luke, I'm so sorry!" You try to help him up but he's stuck in pain.

"Just get dressed!" He yells and you quickly gather your things and run into your room to get dressed. You decided to wear a knitted maroon sweater and some dark bluejeans with white vans. You tie your hair into a high pony and walk into the closet to see him there still.

"Luke, do you need me to get help?" You ask, feeling terrible.

"No it's fine," He lets out, his body was so tense but he looked like he was in more pain than before.

"Babe, you're hurting," You say, crouching to his level, feeling his soft blond hair.

"What the hell is taking you two so lon-" Brad stops when he sees him on the floor holding his crotch.

"Did you hit Luke in the balls." He deadpans, unfazed by my actions.


"YES!" Luke yells, squinting his eyes close.

"I'm sorry!"

"Wait, why aren't you surprised?" I ask looking to Brad to see him wearing the same thing as me, except he had a tan fedora on with tan boots.

"You thought I was a robber and attacked me." He deadpans and you look away, embarrassed.

"I was defending myself," You mumbled, pulling at the sleeves of your sweater.

"Sure you were." He helps Luke up and they both glare at me.

"Really guys!" You exasperate.

"You maced me in the eyes!"

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