Part 21

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Authors Note: Don't be a Debby downer, be an active reader babes, bye! Ed Sheeran's voice is so lovely like ughhh

"Jack, what do you mean? What happened?" He tenses up and turns back around.

"It's not my story to tell." Is all he says. "Jack!" I yell. He ignores me and walks past me and goes upstairs. I reach into the fridge and get an ice pack. When I close the door I nearly scream when I see Luke standing there.

"So you didn't want to see me?" He asks with a blank look on his face. His focus was to the floor and I felt bad.

"I-" I stop when I see that he's not really there. I close my eyes and sigh. My subconscious has been playing games with me the entire time. I walk down the hall until I'm met with a door. He's in there. I take a shaky breath and walk into the room, closing the door behind me. I walk to the bed covered in red satin sheets and see a puff of blonde poking out from where I stood. I walk a bit closer so that I'm next to him to see his face all beaten up. I cover my mouth and start shaking as I cried, looking at what I've done. The lights are off in the room but I could still see due to the moonlight shining through the curtains from the window. I feel hands touch me and I scream.

"(Y/n), (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" I look up to see Luke, he has this worried look on his face that breaks my heart. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, come here." He moves over so that I could get in with him. I held the pack to my face and look down at the sheets. "Did Calum do that to you?" He asks and I nod, refusing to look him in the eyes. He touches the hand that's holding the pack and moves it away from my face. He removes the pack from my hand and places it into the bowl next to him on the dresser. I look at him seeing how weak he looked. The bruises on his face and the cuts the blood the dirt. "Listen about earlier- I'm so sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to hurt you, I-" I interrupt him by giving him a hug. I snuggle into his chest and he relaxes.

"I don't care. I'm just glad you're okay." I whisper into his chest. He sighs and I glance at his shirt to see it covered in blood still.

"What did they do to you?" I murmur, staring into his deep blue eyes. "What did Calum do to you.." I fisted his shirt and just held onto him.

"Get some sleep." Is all he says before placing a kiss to my forehead.

"Okay.." I murmur, closing my eyes.

When I wake up, it's to the sound of rain hitting against the windows. I sit up, glancing to the window to see how grey and gloomy it was. The faint sound of thunder was clear in the background as the rain continued to pour outside. I look to my side, seeing Luke peacefully sound asleep. His arms were still wrapped around me as he breathed softly to his self. I move my fingers to the hair across his forehead to push them back without waking him and feel myself relax at how soft the blonde strands were. I place my arm onto his and slowly start to remove them from my body so that I could leave without waking him. I get out of the bed and replace my spot with a pillow that he hugs onto instead. I open the door, closing it silently behind me once I'm out and walk into the kitchen where I see Finn drinking his tea. He sees me and gives me a small smile.

"Morning." He says, low enough for the two of us to hear.

"Morning." I walk over to him and take a seat in the stool beside him. "It sounds so quite.." I point out seeing him nod.

"Well if you leave out the rain then yeah." He lets out a small laugh and takes a sip from his blue mug.

"Where is everyone?"


"Oh, usually my mom would have someone make breakfast but I gue-"

"They had to leave last night." Finn says, giving me a sympathetic look.

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