Part 18

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The bottle was spun again and it landed on Michael. "Ahh, sorry man but truth or dare." He said with a laugh.


"Kiss her boobs." It was a random brunette in the room with huge jugs.

"Proudly." He said getting up from his spot to the girl, he put his head in the crack of her breasts before nipping and sucking at them, shaking his head in them, playfully like a dog would with a Frisbee. Calum laughs before saying stop. Michael gets up with the grinning girl and walks out of the room. He spins the bottle and it lands on Luke.

"Truth or dare." He says watching the two of us.

"Dare." He said without looking at me.

"Make out with the hottest girl in here." Luke looks around and his eyes lands on a redhead. He goes to her and sits down beside her, she smiles and gets onto his lap, straddling him. Everyone in the room cheers as he leans in to make out with her. He's clearly enjoying it. She has her hands on his chest, ready to take his shirt off but Calum interrupts them when he sees the look on my face.

"Stop." She smiled and leaves the room. The bottle continued to be spun before it was only me and Luke left.

"Well look who we still have in the game." Calum says with a smirk. He spins the bottle and it lands on me. "Okay truth or dare." He said, clearly interested in whats going to happen next.

"Dare." I said looking at Calum.

"Drink this." He hands me a cup with alcohol clearly in it. I chug it down in one go. He puts the bottle in the middle for Luke to spin. It lands on me.

"Truth or dare." He said looking at me.


"Tell me." I freeze at his question.

"I already told you." I said looking at Calum to see him taking interest of what happened.

"No you didn't. You didn't explain in detail." He said narrowing his eyes at me and I look elsewhere.

"Drop it Luke." I said sternly.

"Okay! Let's take a small break!" Calum says interrupting the two of us.

"Dare." Luke says looking at me.

"Give her a kiss and enjoy it." Calum says.

Luke comes to me and I just look at him. There's no way in hell I'm doing that. He sits down next to me and leans in to kiss me, his lips brush mine before they fully touch mine. He asks for entrance but I deny each time. He sighs and grabs my butt instead, making me gasp in shock and giving him access from doing that. After a while of him doing that Calum tells us to stop. Luke stays where he is and watches the pissed off look on my face.

"I dare you to tell me the truth about what happened between you and Calum." He said making Calum nearly choke on his beer.

"Okay! Game over!" He says leaving the room. I glare at Luke and get up to leave as well but Luke follows me- again. I walk into a room at the far end of Michael's house and Luke closes the door behind him.

"So that's it." He says glaring at me.

"Yes Luke, it's over so leave it alone." I said walking away from him but he grabs my arm. I turn to him as he watches me.

"Fine I'll drop it if you tell me something." I sigh.


"Why are you wearing my jacket." He says, touching the material of it on me. My throat dries up and I find myself already pressed into a wall. Damn it. What do I say!?

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