Part 11

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warning: This scene contains sexual content, read at your own risk, you can simply skip this chapter when you get to it or read straight through. 


It wasn't long before people started to show one by one or group by group. It wasn't long before the house was well crowded with tons of people, a majority of them we didn't even know but for anyone who lived here knows that Brad is the one to go to for a good party. By now almost everyone was drunk off of the cheap beer people brought for the party along with bottles of tequila and banned ever clear. I on the other hand was sober, I was prepared to go down with my brother no matter what. Even though he did all of the dirty work and planned the whole fiasco, I had to admit that he did a very good job. The more people that showed up, the more fun along with the stronger possibility of the cops showing up to shut it down. We live in a private community so when Brad throws these kind of events, he either tips off the neighbors with alcohol or just ask in a favor to make up for all of the noise. He's smarter than people let on. I sigh looking to Lenny, seeing if she was ready or not. She gives me a smile and walks with me towards my door to leave to the party. We were both wearing dresses. Hers was a green high low dress with dark brown strapped heels and mine was a short black sequined stress, where the straps slid off of my shoulders. I give her a small smile and make my way downstairs to look for Brad, which seemed impossible at the moment, due to the amount of people here. Scanning the dinning room area once more, I find nothing of interest, just a bunch of people playing peer pong. Lenny rolls her eyes and turns around. Her face drops and she looks to me.


"You found him?" I asked looking to her.

"No, I found someone else instead." She says facing me.


"That's Calum over there right?" She asks, looking to his direction where he's standing by the staircase drinking a beer.

I walked towards his way while he held a beer bottle between his fingers. He then rolled his eyes from annoyance when he sees me.



I rolled my eyes."What are you doing here- I don't remember giving you an invite." I said with annoyance clearly present in my tone.

"Oh, last time I checked it was open invite." He retorted.

"I can't stand you." I deadpanned, glaring at him.

"Boohoo." He deadpanned and I scoffed at him.

"Come on (y/n), I don't think-"

"And hello to you too.." Calum says acknowledging Lenny."Lennie right?" He says, rudely pushing me out of the way.

"Fuck off Clifford." She snapped before grabbing me back to her side.

"It's Hood." He corrected.

"Don't care." She retorted, walking away from him with me.

"God he's such a-"

"Ass, annoyance, douche-" I listed.

"I was gonna say dick but those work to." She says, nodding in agreement.

"Where is Brad?" I muttered looking around once more.

"More likely, where is your parents and why is Michael here too." Lenny says catching me off guard. I turned around to see Micheal and Calum doing their stupid hand shake. Michael looks up and sees me. His smile falls and his mouth is then replaced by a thin line. Calum turns around to see what he's looking at to see it's me. He rolls his eyes and turns right back around. Michael looks at Calum with a serious look and begins to talk to him with narrowed eyes at me glancing ever so often.

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