Part 25

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My hands were shaking as I tried to keep anymore blood from oozing out of Luke's body and from the looks of it, Luke him self wasn't looking too well either. He could pass out any minute.

I look up to see the shadow slowly descending from the stairs. I couldn't move and Luke or I couldn't help. As if it were on cue, the sound of the ambulances and cop sirens could be heard in the distance. Who ever it was must've heard what we were hearing because they took off upstairs. I sigh in relief and maybe a few more seconds later the sirens got louder and a minute after that paramedics rush in.

"I'm over here!" I yell and I see their figures turn around the corner. One of the paramedics switched my hands out with there's and the cops pulled me to the side.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Joe was on the tag pinned to his office suit. He was brown colored and had the appearance of someone in their late forties. (Think of the flash's Joe West)

"I'm fine but is he going to be okay?" I ask, watching Luke the whole time as the paramedics try to work on and with him.

"He's going to be okay," I sigh in relief and look towards the stairs. "Can you explain what happened here?" I nod and walk with the officer outside.

"I was at school and I got a call from Luke and when I got here I saw him bleeding on the floor, I called the cops and the operator told me to keep the wound from bleeding out by applying pressure- after that Luke tells me that he didn't do it to his self. Someone pushed him down and they were still in the house. I looked up and saw the figure ready to come down." I pause to look at Joe's face, "Whoever it was, tried to kill him," I say, trying not to cry. "If you didn't show earlier then I don't know what could've happened," I shake my head and wipe the tears away quickly. A few seconds later I see Rosalie pull into the driveway with Brad running out to me when he sees all of the cars. An officer stops him and I stop.

"He's family!" I yell and they nod, letting him go.

"Oh my god, (Y/n), are you okay?!" He asks, worry clear on his face.

"Yes, it's not for me." I say and he furrows his brows.

"What happened?"

"Luke-" The officer pulls me to the side and I walk with him.

"Could this person still be in the house?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know, he disappeared when he heard the sirens." I explain and he nods.

"Hey, search the house." He orders to the five officers, they put their hands on their holsters and walk inside of the house to search it.

Luke is pulled out and is on a stretcher. They quickly rush him into the ambulance and close the doors. "Wait, what are they doing?" I rush out, getting nerves and anxiety.

"They need to take him to the hospital, he's losing blood. Ms. He will be okay." He says, trying to reassure me.

Another car pulls into the driveway and it's Finn, Jack and Lenny. They rush out too. The ambulance carrying Luke inside drives off, followed by the firetruck and extra ambulance with one cop car following behind.

"I don't feel safe here." I say and he nods.

"I understand. When the cops come back with a report then we can try to figure this out," I nod and see the cops run outside. "Report," He says and the small Latina with black hair that was tied in a pony tail steps up.

"Sir, no report of a break in, person has left the premises," She says before talking to the other officers.

"Check the back again along with the upstairs area, closets, restroom, everything."

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