Part 1

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(A/N- OmG guys I did it! this wouldn't be the exact first book but its actually the second book, which means the REAL first book will be out soon. I'm sorry for stalling. Let me know what you think of it as you read, thank you! Bye. xx)


"Hey, we're still hanging out tonight, right?" Lindsay asked as you closed your red locker door and turned towards her way, with your bag hanging loosely on your shoulder because it was on half way.

"Of course we are Lenny!" You replied quickly as you then adjusted the strap on your arm.

"Just making sure- remember last time-" she began but was cut off.

"Really Lynn?! That was just one time! One! I promise that I will not, under any circumstances- cancel this thing. Got it?" You answered pulling on your navy green canvas bag once again.

"Okay! Okay! I got it, backing away now." she says with her hands up in surrender backing away before turning around to head home since it was the end of the day.

"See you later!" she yells from the opposite end of the hallway.

"Yeah, see ya- I'll call up Jamie and the others so they'll know!" I yelled back.

"kay, bye!" she replies waving her hand and opening the door to leave.

"Okay, lets do this." You said to yourself as you then made your way to your extracurricular class. You were half way there until you found yourself stopping before you turned the corner and heard a 'umph' sound coming from that direction. You then lean your back against the cold wall of the school and then lean forward to find the halls empty. You then let out a sigh of relief and continued to walk down the long hallway to the class that you were already late to since you were the leader of it. As you walked past a door or two you heard the same sound once again and turned around to find nothing. 'Okay pull it together' you thought to yourself as you shook your head. 'I am not hallucinating' you thought again but it was soon put to an end when you heard the noise again. 'I knew I wasn't crazy' you said as you approached one of the many doors to your side to find it cracked open. You peer in to find some jocks in leather black and white varsity jackets with some regular blue jeans. You frown before you see one of them punch something on the floor and the noise is heard again, but you can't really see what the thing really is because the light for the class is off and the only light it has provided is a little table lamp with a poorly dull light that shined on them with visible dust around them as well with an orange like glow to it. You lean in even more to get a better angle before the noise is heard more clearer now. It was strangled but pained at the same time- it was a person getting hurt. Just as you were about to turn around to check for anyone around you, a figure covers your mouth from behind you and pulls you into the dark room before closing the door- making everyone stop to look at you.

"Well, well- look who we have joining us today." One of the jocks said making their way towards you before touching your face with his hand as the other jock that you couldn't see, continued to have you pinned up with one hand as the other one was used to cover your mouth. You jerked your face from his touch as he then let out a deep chuckle.

"Don't worry princess, I'm not gonna rape you." He says as he then gets closer to you with his minty breath fanning over your face, holding your chin and looking into your eyes.

"Since you wanted to snoop around- thinking that you wouldn't eventually get caught, then its only best to make you watch- you know since that is what you were doing in the first place right?" He stated more than asked as I glared at him.

"Hey, its your fault- really, you knew you were gonna get caught in the first place babe, I'm just here to make some clarifications for you." He said again before smirking at me. That bastard. I thought to myself as I watched him get closer to me, like he wasn't already close before.

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