Part 2

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(A/N- here's part two! enjoy. xx)


"Ahh Ms.(y/n) you're surprisingly late for the first time." Mr. Walter says tisking at me.

"I expected a little bit more from the head of this class..You do understand that right?"

"Yes, Mr.Walter." I said sighing as he continued his little speech about nothing.

"Now is there any exceptional reason why you're-" he then stops to read his watch. "Forty-five minutes late to my class?" I don't respond and he stares at me expecting an answer.

"Alrighty then, this better not happen again. or else you'll be in big trouble for skipping class for some low you understand me Ms.(y/n)?" he asks sternly.

"Yes, sir." I said slightly annoyed, storming off to my seat.

"Well if Ms.(y/n) was here on time, then you all would know what to do in this session today but unfortunately that's been cut short-

"Hey, where have you been? I needed to know if we were still on for tonight?" Jamie whisper shouts over Mr. Walters speech about being late.

"Lynn was gonna text you later on to let you know-"

"First you arrive late, now you're talking during my lesson on respect- which you clearly don't have today. One more word from you and you're out." He says before continuing.

"Fuck it." I mutter before I get up with my bag to walk out of the class that was over in five minutes.

"Where are you going?" Jamie asks.

"Out of this hell hole. I'll see you tonight, bye." I said before I was cut short again.

"Where are you going? Class is not over yet-"

"Well too bad, it is now." I said as I walked out of the door with hearing 'ooohs' from the class.


Walking down the familiar hallway, I came across the same room that I was trapped in by some assholes. I peeked inside to see if he was still there but he wasn't. The only thing that remained the abandoned class was the little old lamp that provided little light for the dark abyss of the room. I sighed and decided that it'd be best if id just go home and prepare for the night with my girls. Once I approached the almost empty parking lot of the school, I immediately made my way to my silver camaro that awaited for me in the same spot where I had it. After walking to my car I then decided to pull out my phone to call the other half of friends joining me for the night since Lynn didn't have their numbers yet. While debating who to call first I heard a low whistle coming from the distance. I turned my head in the same direction spotting a few jocks in varsity jackets- wooing and blowing kisses to me, along with rough housing together and trying to jump on each others back. What dogs I thought to myself as I then grabbed my keys from my bag along with hearing the familiar beeping of my car that let me know if my car was unlocked.

"Hey babe, let me take a ride in that!" one of them yelled in a strong Australian accent. I turned back around to see him in a black snapback with bright red hair hiding underneath it. He had a cocky smirk on his face and an eyebrow piercing to match his whole 'hey I'm a huge asshole look'.

"That's not the only thing he'd like to get at!" another one of them yelled, laughing along with his boys and giving them all high fives. bastard. I then looked at him- his brown chestnut hair was slicked back but some loose strands hung over his forehead. and his jawline was sharp and sculpted like any other sexy asshole that crawled in this school. He catches me staring and smirks at me with a wink. ew. I then smiled at him before flipping him off, with his group saying a chorus 'damn'. The one with the red hair had a baffled look on his face along with a sarcastic 'way to go' clap with it. That prick. I finally decided it'd be best to call Addison to let her know the arrangements of the night before I pull up to the house. I dialed her number and pressed the phone to my ear. . . . . .

*Hellooooo!* she screeched as if someone poked her.

*Hey, we're on tonight with the girls. Don't be late!* I yelled through the phone. Which earned me some stares from the assholes.

*That's good! Aahhh stop!* she squealed through the other end.

*Don't forge- Don't for- for fucks sake! who are you with!?* I said interrupting the laughing on the phone.

*Its my boyfriend.* she giggled

*Oh, tell Kris hi.*

*Hey!* he yelled into the phone.

*I'll just see you later, Call Casey-*

*Wait what about-*

*Bye!* I said- quickly hanging the phone up and putting it away. Well that was hell.

"Why don't you come over here so I can show you a few things!" One of the quiet ones yelled from across the street, fist pumping with his posse. Really I actually thought he was a good one.I internally groaned. He had a sharper jawline, unlike the others but he was a bit thinner than the others. He had hazel brown hair that was in a stylish quiff with the whole pretty boy look. All I did was roll my eyes at him before getting into my car with the engine rumbling as it turned on by the key I had placed into the ignition.


"Hey what took you so long?!" Jassey screeched grabbing me, nearly startling me at the same time.

"Nothing! jeez." I yelled back before she gave me a look.

"What? I am here right?" she was about to reply but I cut her off.


"When are they coming." she stated rather than asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Right about-" the doorbell interrupts my sentence.

"Now." I finished, skipping to the door to open it.


(A/N- I know this is a short part but there's a lot more that's going to happen in the next part, bye. xx)

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