Part 3

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(A/N- part three, hope you like it. xx)
"Wow look who's first-" I said to Addison.

"No actually its me-" Lynn said.

"No its me if we're being precise about timing-" Angela said before being interrupted by her twin.

"I on the other hand beg to differ-" Jamie said as she brushed past me, entering my house.

"Guys it doesn't matter-"

"Yes it does!" They all said at the same time.

"Okay, fine! Now would you get in already?!" I said motioning inside of my house.

"Took them long enough.." Jassey said walking past me to go upstairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To set up the theater room or what you call 'the extra living room with the big ass TV'" she said with quotation marks with her fingers.

"Whats her problem?" the twins said at the same time before glaring at each other.

"I have no idea." I said raising my hands in a surrender way.

"Ready to start- Wait wheres Casey?" I asked as they all looked around.

"Didn't she walk in?" Lynn asked.

"No, I don't recall." Angela replied.

"Who says that anymore?!" Jamie screeched pulling on her short red hair that was in a cute bob style.

"Me." she replied coldly grabbing onto her long red hair out of frustration.

"Hey, chill you two...I think that she's already here." I said looking towards the grand staircase of my home.

"What makes you say that?" asks Lynn.

"Follow me." I said as I made my way up the stairs.

"What are we doin-"

"Shh." Jamie says silencing Addison.

I made my way down the hallway with them following swiftly behind as we then came across my brothers door on the other hallway of our large home. I then pressed my ear against the door and heard absolutely nothing but silence which was never a good sign.

"Brads home?-"

"Will you shut up already?!" Lynn said silencing Addison again for the second time.

I furrowed my eyebrows and placed my hand on the silver doorknob before turning it and opening the door. Lets just say that the only thing you heard from the girls were a loud gasp as they looked at the scene before them. I rolled my eyes and walked into his room while him and Casey were sucking each others faces off. I then looked at his charcoal black dresser that contained a tall glass of water sat neatly on top of it instead of spilled over. I grabbed the drink and took a sip of it and felt the cool liquid soothe my throat. After that I walked over to the opposite side of his king sized bed and tilted my head side ways watching them in pure disgust, holding the full glass of water that I then leaned over the bed a bit to balance my self with the glass in my hand and then I let it go. All of the cold water splashed all over her. She then lets out a loud gasp along with a shriek and immediately detaches herself from my brothers baffled face.

"Ooops." I said faking innocence with the glass still hung over her head for dramatic effect.

"BRAD!" she shrieked while wiping her hair from her face with her hand. He just stood there amused with a stupid smirk on his face and his lips were clearly swollen from their actions. ew. I thought as I shivered disgusted once again.

"Awe I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. It was a reflex." I said again, clearly pissing her off even more.

"I don't know who you think you are but-"

"No, actually I don't think you know who you are because i'm guessing you didn't read the sign when you walked in." She then turns around to look for a sign but does not see one then looks over to my brother who was propped up on his side by one of his elbows laying down and gave her a shrug.

"What sign?" wow shes a keeper.

"You know, the sign that clearly reads no slutbags allowed. Now leave." I said getting annoyed

"Yeah that's not gonna happen, got it? she said challenging me, standing up.

"If i throw a stick, will you leave?" I replied crossing my arms over my chest, clearly annoyed by the fact of her still standing there with a shocked look on her face. Once she realized what I meant she scoffs and storms out of Bradley's room, passing the girls with the same look on their faces.

"Did you really have to do that? She was the 9th girl already!" he said fake complaining, with his arms out for the effect, smart ass.

"Awe c'mon sis, don't be mad!"

*no response- ignoring his ignorance.*

"I was only having a little fun, loosen up a bit!" he said, giving me a pouty face that no girl could ever resist with his whole 'innocent look'. dammit Brad.

"Fine, but next time- I'm hitting you were the sun doesn't shine." I then throw the glass cup at him to catch it and walk out of the room.

"Love ya!" he yelled on the opposite side of his now closed door.


"Wow, someones not having a good day." said one of the twins

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

"Sooo, are we gonna start the movies orrr.." the other one continued.

"Of course we are." I said with a smile.


(A/N- I hope you are all liking this book. Like comment and share with a friend. My official book isn't out yet but when it is out ill let you guys know, bye. xx)

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