Part 15

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(A/N- This is the song for the chapter because it just fits it so well and also Luke's eyes in that gif like omf. Swipe right and it should be right next to the video above.)

"(y/n)!" A voice yelled and I scrunch my eyes.

"(y/n)! Please wake up!" My body was shaking but it wasn't me doing it.

"(y/n)! Please!" It was Brad's voice.

"Brad?" I said weakly opening my eyes to see his puppy brown eyes looking into mine.

"Oh thank god you're okay." He breathed out.

I looked around to see only Finn. We were no longer at the school- I was home? But not in my room- probably in a random guest room. I sat up, wincing and holding onto my head.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We don't know. You blacked out when we found you." Finn explained. Blacked out-

"Luke! Where is he!?" I asked panicking and frantically looking around.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa- slow down (y/n), you just got up." Finn said.

"Where is he?! I need to see him-I have to see him!" I said trying to get up.

"You will as soon as you can but as of now you need to settle down and get this glass from your hands and then bandage them!" He said rushing to my side.

"Is he okay?!"

"(y/n)!" They both shout.

"Now give me your hand." Finn says and I listen by placing it into his and Brad doing the same except he rolled his eyes at me.

"There, now you can answer us, what happened?" Finn asked.

"I heard a noise and I followed it- long story short- I fell onto broken glass that was on the floor and Calum and those other stupid hockey players were involved- including Michael. They did that to Luke." They both tense up and I sigh looking at my bandaged hands.

"And they got away." Brad said.

"Yes now can I go see him." I said urgently trying to get up again.

"Come on." Finn said before letting out a sigh.

I got up and felt my head get drowsy.

"Whoa, you okay?" Brad asked steadying me.

"No, actually I need to take a shower to relieve my back." I said feeling the pain increase.


"Alright, here's some clothes I randomly grabbed and heres a fresh loofah and your dry towel." Brad said handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said walking into the restroom to see the shower already on and Finn emerging from the corner.

"Sorry, thought I should run it for you." He said.

"That's fine, thank you Finn." I said closing the door behind him and stripping out of my clothing and getting into the shower, feeling the hot water immediately attack my skin. I sighed but I was still tense. All I could see was Luke in his state that he was in when I found him. I shook my head and lathered the loofah down in soap and water before applying it onto my skin, scrubbing and rinsing my body off multiple times before stepping out of the shower and turning the water off.

I grabbed the black towel and wrapped it around my body, walking out of the restroom and into the now vacant room and drying myself off, putting the clothes on that was just an over sized shirt and my undergarments. I sighed and walked out of the room and went into the living room to see everyone in the living room, Jamie, Addison, Jassey and Angela were there too. They see me and scream, rushing to me to give me hugs.

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