Part 8

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"Ready?" Lenny asked from my side while we both watched the group of jocks talking across the street who were currently leaned against the wall, unaware of our presence.

"Yeah.." I said, straightening up my shorts and blouse.

"Good luck sis." Brad says, giving me a pat on the shoulder before walking away to his girls.

We looked to each other and crossed the street. In that moment one of the guys looks up to see us and gets Michael's attention who now had blonde hair. He smirks at me and gets off of the wall along with his guys who now stood behind him as they watched us.

"I knew you'd come crawling back." He said cockily placing his two hands out to his side for the two guys that were on each side to high five.

I rolled my eyes,"As if." I said looking him up and down with annoyance

"Oh then you're here to apologize?" He assumed with a shocked look on his face,"Thats new." He added looking me up and down, arms crossed.

"And what am I apologizing to you for?" I was now crossing my arms too.

"Oh you think it's me?" He says pointing to his self,"Oh no babe, you're apologizing to Calum."

"What? Who's that?"

"You know, the guy you punched in the balls, my good mate." He explained making realization overcoming me.

"Well where is he?" I asked with my eyebrows quirked

"Come on Calum." He motioned him out with his two fingers without looking back but staring at me intensely. His green eyes narrowing me down. I broke out of his trance when I saw who this Calum guy was. He had big puppy dog brown eyes, puffy checks with a defined jawline, jet black hair with a small patch of blonde in it. He wore a regular white t shirt with black skinny jeans and all black vans. There were tattoos on his arms and one underneath his shirt since it was sort of transparent.

"You're Column." I deadpanned

"Calum." He corrected glaring at me

"Well Calcium I'm sorry for hitting you in your baby makers." I said with a smirk

"It's Calum." Hmm if looks could kill I'd probably be 10ft under by now from the look he was giving me..

"I know I did that one on purpose." I said with a smug look on my face

"Fuck you." He said narrowing his eyes

"No Fuck you- you're the asshole who dragged me in that hallway and threatened me before letting me off with a so called warning!" I boomed with anger over taking me.

"Calum, what is she talking about?" Michael asked, directing his attention towards him now.

"I-" He started

"You were watching me before and now I'm telling you to knock it off." I demanded as I glared at him who was glaring at me

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa- listen here cupcake- I will admit to doing that to you in the hallway but that is all I've ever done to you, so you can fuck off and go screw yourself for all that I care." He seethed with his jaw clinched.

"Really." I said walking closer to him

"Really." He says glaring down at me while hovering over me.

"You two cut it out." Michael said in a warning tone while me and him just glared at each other without a word said.

"Whats wrong? Misses popular here can't take the truth." He murmurs only for me to hear nearing my ear.

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