Part 28

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*3rd POV*

It was a new day. What happened to Luke was spreading throughout the school. People were talking and some were feeling bad for what happened to him. No one knows who done it but they had their suspicions. No one came forth so the school was under watch. I saw Brad. He was the only one who showed up to school today. People were whispering- watching, some even jumped when they saw him slam his locker door shut. Someone pissed him off. Or maybe it was from what happened yesterday with Luke. His sister was in the hospital with Luke. Watching him. I hear it all. The rumors- the lies- the gossip- everything. The doctors said he didn't wake up. He had a few broken ribs- wrist and ankle, if not it was his leg.

Brad, is being followed by this crowd of people, making me assume something big was going to happen. Everyone is outside in the front, cameras ready to record what was about to happen. He approaches the Lacrosse players but mainly Michael.

Brad advances to Michael confronting him. He shoves Michael in the chest making him stumble back "What the fuck is your problem." He shoves him again "Huh? You love torturing innocent people and ruining their lives?" He does it again and again and again "You're gonna pay for what you did."

Calum comes in and pushes him off of Michael and steps in. "I thought you would stay away after what happened between me and your girl." He says with his arms crossed.

"You have no right to be big talking yourself when I got with Natalie right after." He stiffens and sends a punch to Brads face, sending him back to cradle his face.

"Did rose ever tell you who hit it better? Because I definitely remembered it when she was screaming it." Brad rushes to Calum and punches him in his face again and again. Calum's nose and lips are bleeding. He rushes up to Brad and pushes him to the ground, sending punches to his face. Soon the security comes and pulls them apart. Brad is sent to the nurse while Calum is sent to the office.

After that the crowd falls quiet. The principle comes out to tell us to all go to class. The bell rings and no one sees Brad or Calum for the rest of the day but as big as that was, made the people talk about the Luke situation even more.

*End of 3rd POV*

*3rd POV*

Brad is in the nurses office. He looks up seeing Rosalie there. His body is tense as she runs up to him.

"Brad what happened?!" She gasps, cupping his face. He brushes her off and she gives him a hurt look. "Brad who did this to you?" She asks with the nurse coming in.

"Brad, I need to get some ice for your face. I'll be right back. Until then, Rosalie here will help you out." She leaves the room and Rosalie looks to Brad.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" She asks. Brad shakes his head and get's up to get away from her.

"Who sent you," He asks her. Her face twists into confusion, unsure of what he was asking.

"The nurse?"

"Don't play dumb Rose!" He boomed, making her flinch.

"Brad you're hurt!" She yells trying to help but he moves her hand away.

"No just dumb for believing you liked me," He spat, curls damp with sweat.

"Brad, what happened? Why are you talking like this?"

"Tell me," He says, fist in balled up.

"Tell you what?"

"Did you hook up with Calum," Rosalie freezes and her body tenses. Brad laughs humorlessly and shakes his head. "Well did you?! Did you fuck him?"

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