Chapter 2 | Not Got A Clue

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It has been a month since BLACKPINK has disbanded. All the girls have been getting on with their lives ever since they have disbanded. Well, all the girls apart from Rosé. The other three girls have their own lives and are keeping themselves with their own activities. Jisoo was busy filming Snow Drop and have also received offers to film more drama series for JTBC. Jennie was now the official ambassador for Chanel and started a modelling career. Even Lisa has managed to find something. Lisa is now back in Thailand and signed with a Thai record label and has gone solo in the Thailand music industry.

Rosé however, have nothing.

Whilst all of her friends were starting on their respective second act and got their career back on track, Rosé was living with her sister Alice not knowing what she wanted to do with her life. For the past month, Rosé was just living with her sister and not doing anything. Nobody knows where she has gone and what she was up to. Even Rosé herself doesn't know what she was up to. Obviously she wanted to stay in the world of music and continue making music. However, none of the big labels were willing to take her as a soloist.

Rosé's schedule everyday for the past month was wake up, eat, watch TV and then sleep. It was a very boring schedule. She has not left the apartment that she now share with Alice for a month and Alice was getting fed up about the situation.

Everyday when Alice comes back home she would find her younger sister Rosé sat on the exact same spot as she left for work. It was the same situation today as Alice returned home from work to find her younger sister sat on the sofa watching TV in her pyjamas.

"Hey Rosie I'm home" Alice greeted her younger sister

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"Hey Rosie I'm home" Alice greeted her younger sister. However, her greetings did not get a response as Rosé was too lazy to make a response.

That was it, it was the last straw. Alice couldn't take it anymore, she can't watch this downward spiral continue to go down for her sister. Rosé needs to get her life back in shape and it was down for Alice to fix this for her younger sister. Nobody wants to see Rosé like this and she needs to get Rosé back to spirit as soon as possible. Therefore, Alice took a bold move and took the remote away from Rosé, with a click of a button Alice turned the TV off which caused Rosé to whine.

"Yaaaaaaah, unnie what are you doing? I was watching TV" Rosé whined.

"We need to talk about your attitude as of late" Alice replied with a stern tone which caused Rosé to flinch a little bit.

Rosé has never seen this side of her sister ever, 25 years and it was the first time Rosé heard her sister raise her voice on her. This has scared Rosé and little bit and she wasn't looking forward to what her sister has to say.

"Listen, I need to know what's going on with you. Ever since BLACKPINK got disbanded, you have been sat on the sofa watching TV non stop. It's not healthy for you and you need to find a new hobby. Also, you need to go outside more. Stop sitting around and be more active" Alice started.

"Unnie, I'm fine. I'm enjoying my non idol life right now. I can wake up whenever I want, eat whatever I want and do whatever I want this is good" Rosé responded.

"Do you even go outside, you need to breathe some fresh air" Alice questioned.

"Yeah I do, I go out plenty. Just today I went downstairs to collect the takeaway delivery I ordered" Rosé responded thinking she has outsmarted her sister.

Truth is, ever since BLACKPINK disbanded, Rosé has never left the shared apartment she now shares with Alice. Everyone was worried about her, even the public was wondering what Rosé was up to nowadays because she doesn't even update her social media platform.

"That doesn't count. From now on I will find you a hobby and make you do outdoor activities until you have found a new hobby or a new career for yourself. Starting tomorrow, you will be waking up at 7am to go on a morning job with me before I get to work" Alice stated.

"Whaeeeee, not fair. I'm actually very fine you don't need to worry about me" Rosé whined.

These were all lies. Rosé was just saying she's fine to not let Alice worry about her.

"If you manage to find a hobby or a job or something to do with your life, you can stop the morning jogs with me" Alice offered.

"Ugh, fine. Why do you have to be so controlling all the time" Rosé whined as she walked back into her room to get some much needed sleep. If she was going to wake up at 7am the next morning for a morning jog with her sister.

On the inside Rosé was not fine at all. Ever since the disband of BLACKPINK, Rosé has lost all motivation in life. All her life, she has been wanting to have a career in music and when she got it she was really about it. But when she found out that her dream career has came to an end, she struggled to find herself, she struggled to figure out what she wanted to do next. Her motivation was further knocked down following her colleagues and friends' success in their careers after the disband of BLACKPINK. Deep down, Rosé know that Alice is right. Rosé needed some motivation, she needed fresh air, she needed that breathe of fresh air to find herself again.

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