Chapter 9 | Club Vision

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It was a new chapter for Athletic Club Bilbao. As new owners took over the club, this new consortium are the first ever non Spanish owner of Athletic Club Bilbao. It was a big thing for the club as they look to promote the club in foreign places as well. However, despite many suggesting being owned by a group of South Korean investors, there were definitely some who were unhappy about this new ownership, suggesting that Athletic Club Bilbao are perhaps ruining their Spanish and Basque Country roots. Of course, Rosé herself doesn't know much about the history of Basque Country, she doesn't even know what Basque Country is.

Putting it in simpler terms, the Basque Country is an area in Spain. Specifically it is an autonomous community, similar to Catalunya. Obviously, this was something that Rosé wouldn't have known because Basque being an autonomous community didn't affect her life as an idol before, and it certainly wouldn't affect her life and role as the club president of Athletic Club Bilbao. At least that is what she thought.

With a new ownership and a new club president, it was bound for Athletic Club Bilbao to have some changes. Rosé was keen to change the club's vision and dynamics in order to appeal to a more international fanbase. It wasn't easy but it was something Rosé was destined to change. She doesn't know much about investments and how company make money, but what she knows is that international exposure is a good way to earn money.

Despite Rosé was still settling into the job and sorting out her new office, she already had an idea of what changes he wanted to make in her mind. Suddenly whilst Rosé was still settling into her new office here in Spain, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Rosé responded to the knock on the door.

A Spanish man around his mid 30s walked into the room and greeted Rosé.

"Hello Miss Park, I'm Mikel Gonzalez, the club's director of development. I'm here to assist you and see if you have any recommendations and changes for the club" the man said as he entered the room.

"Well the first thing I would like to change is to do some international brand exposure. Have you got any good ideas on how to expose the brand internationally?" Rosé then asked Mikel for some recommendations.

"I mean the best way is to sign a foreign player, it will attract foreign fans" Mikel said "However......" Mikel tried to continue but was cut off by Rosé.

"Great, then let's sign some foreign players" Rosé responded swiftly cutting off Mikel.

"But......" Mikel tried to explain, once again Rosé cut him off again.

"No buts, just do as I told you. The first area I would like to target is South Korea as we are now a South Korean owned team, I feel like we should try and make money off the South Korean market" Rosé cut off Mikel.

And on that, Mikel decided to give in. He tried his best to explain to Rosé why the club aren't keen on signing foreign players. However, that was rules from the last club president. Rosé was the new club president and he didn't want to risk his job over an argument with the new club president. It wasn't worth it anyways, the new board hasn't put any limitations on signing foreign players so he decided to just do as Rosé told.

"Right then Miss Park. I will now inform the scouts to look for South Korean players. Is that all Miss Park?" Mikel asked not wanting to start a heated argument.

"Yes. Thanks" Rosé said as Mikel left her office.

For someone like Mikel Gonzalez who was born in Bilbao and never left the Basque Country, it was painful for him to see a historic club like Athletic Bilbao get taken over by foreign investors. What was even more painful was that he is about to see the 110 year tradition get broken, and to make matters even worse, he had to take part in getting the tradition broken. As much as he didn't want to do this, he had to. It was his job, he was getting paid to do this. Having new owners and new club vision was obviously good, but when the new club vision destroys a 110 year tradition, it was not a good thing to Mikel. It is safe to say that Mikel was not a big fan of what this "new club vision" is going to do to his club.

It took a while to convince and explain to the scouts about the new club vision and explaining to the scouts why do they need to start scouting internationally. However, at the end of the day, everyone was here to do a job, they were getting paid to work for the club president. As much as some of the staff in the club want to work for the club badge and Basque Country, they are still getting paid by the club president. Whatever the club president has set out, they have to fulfil or else they would risk losing their job. 

Scouting for South Korean players is not going to be an easy task for the Athletic Club Bilbao scouts as foreign players isn't a strength for them. These scouts has spend the past few years scouting young talents within the Basque Country, they hardly know any players in the Asia region. The only South Korean players these scouts know are Son Heung Min and Kang In Lee. This is not going to be an easy task for the Bilbao scouts.

That night, Rosé want back to her temporary home here in Bilbao. Once again she checked social media to see if she was trending or not. Similarly, Athletic Club Bilbao and this mystery hashtag Basque Country was still trending on twitter. However, the tweets seemed to have reduced a bit as less people are talking about the club and whatever this Basque Country thing was. Maybe people were just interested about the takeover and the forwards steps for the club. 

Despite the fact that Rosé used to be a celebrity with a worldwide reputation, she still gets a bit nervous seeing herself trend on social media. Attracting all these attention still makes her feel uncomfortable, but with the tweets about her and the club diminishing day by day, she could finally settle into her new job more comfortably and focus on the vision of making Athletic Club Bilbao a team that has a good worldwide reputation.

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