Chapter 7 | Consortium Meeting

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The next morning, Rosé woke up at the sound of her older sister shouting at her.

"ROSÉ WAKE UP" Alice shouted "WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE" as Alice continued to shake Rosé's bed trying to wake her younger sister up.

Rosé was shocked at the sudden noise that her sister made and reluctantly wake up, she had no choice. Nobody can sleep with the constant rocking and the constant shouting.

"Huh? Earthquake?" Rosé asked as she opened her eyes. 

She didn't know what was happening, her first guess was that there was an earthquake attack because of the way her bed was shaking. However, as she opened her eyes, she came to realisation that there wasn't an earthquake. It was just her older sister Alice trying to wake her up for no reason. Rosé was not the girl who likes to be woken up, and she didn't really want to leave the comfort of her bed so she rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

"NO DON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP" Alice yelled causing Rosé to flinch at the sudden noise.

"Why?" Rosé questioned, clearly not happy about the situation.

"Because we have a meeting to attend. You said you wanted to invest in the consortium to purchase a football club and we've got a meeting to discuss which football club we're buying" Alice said.

"Ugh fine, but I'm coming straight back to sleep after that meeting" Rosé said as she got out of bed.

It certainly wasn't easy getting Rosé out of bed, but the two girls managed to arrive at Alice's office on time with the other members of the consortium. Judging by the looks, Rosé was the only one who was the least professional and knows the least about investment and stuff. However, at least her dress code was correct and looked professional.

 However, at least her dress code was correct and looked professional

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With Alice and Rosé arriving, the meeting started. It began with some business and investment stuff which Rosé doesn't really understand, but she was trying her best to pay attention and learn about it. She was dozing off a little bit because of how boring the talk was. However, she was called back into the meeting when she heard someone shout her name.

"Miss Park, could you please sign here confirming that you hold 20% of the consortium" one of the business people asked.

Rosé didn't know what to do and she ended up just looking at Alice, Alice gave her younger sister a nod suggesting that all the terms have been made clear and there was no problem with it to which Rosé signed the contract quickly.

"Right so that's the business side of things dealt with, let's move on to the next bit shall we?" Alice said after collecting the contract Rosé signed.

"Yeah sure" one of the people responded "let's move on to some potential teams that we could buy out"

Rosé's ear shot up when hearing that. That was the part she was looking forward to the most. She already had a few ideas of teams that she wanted to see if she could invest in and she couldn't wait to give out her ideas.

"How about Real Madrid, I think they'll be a good team to invest in" Rosé suggested.

Some of the people in the meeting laughed at Rosé's suggestion, Rosé weren't so sure about why but thankfully one of the partner explained it to her.

"Real Madrid are a team which are listed in the stock market so we could only buy stocks of the team. What we are looking for is to purchase the majority of the team so we could take full control here's a list of the teams we thought we could invest in" the guy explained.

Rosé took a look at the list, there was only one name that was known on the list.

Chelsea (England)

Athletic Club Bilbao (Spain)
Lyon (France)
Napoli (Italy)
Bayer Leverkusen (Germany)

"So what do you guys think?" one of the person asked.

"I think it's best we invest in Bilbao, Chelsea are a strong team which means rival bids will be coming in plus Roman Abramovich's high asking price is way out of our budget plans. The other teams are a bit out of place in terms of strength so I think Bilbao is the best choice" another person in the room spoke up causing a few nods in the room.

"Right Athletic Bilbao is it? Are there any disagreements?" Alice asked and everyone seemed to agreed on the decision "Good, I'll sort out the paperwork and confirm the investment" Alice continued.

"Moving onto the next agenda of the meeting, who will be the club president?" Alice asked.

This question was met with silence. Despite Rosé wanted to get heavily involved into the world of football, she felt like she was out of place in the investment group, having the least knowledge about investment. She didn't really want to say anything so she just sat there whilst the other people chatted amongst themselves discussing about who should be the club president if the takeover was successful.

Few minutes of discussing later, the people seemed to have came up with a conclusion.

"Right" one person spoke up "We have decided because we are all busy with our other businesses and investments, we think that the best person to act as the club president would be Miss Park. Miss Park are you ok about this?" as the guy looked at Rosé for an answer.

At that moment, Rosé didn't know if she should be happy or nervous. She was tasked of being the main person of a football club if this takeover were to be successful. It was a really great opportunity for her to get involved in football as a president of a club. However, she was nervous that she would do the wrong thing because she doesn't really know what to do with a football team. Being the club president of a football team was something that she has never done before in her life. 

"I've had a thought about it, I'll do it" Rosé replied after a few minutes of thinking time.

Thinking about this offer for a very long time, Rosé decided to take up the offer. Obviously it wasn't something that she was confident she would do well in, but it was definitely something that she wanted to do. Getting involved in football is something that she had thought about to be a second act and this was the best opportunity for her to get involved in the sport.

"Well that concludes the meeting, I'll get the paperwork sorted out and submit a bid to Athletic Club Bilbao and then come back to you on their decision" Alice said as the people left the meeting room.

Before Rosé left, Alice grabbed her younger sister seems like something she wanted to say.

"Rosé, you know this is something you need to take seriously right? It's not something that you could just give up soon, you are in for the long run here. You are working with millionaires who actually care about the return of their investment. I just want you to keep that in mind" Alice said giving Rosé some pressure.

The pressure was really getting to Rosé, with the task she have at hand and the stake that was on. It was a tough job and she can't quit. Alice was right, those people care about the return of their investment so she can't just blow all their money away by doing a poor job. However, this was a challenge that Rosé wanted to take, after all this was what she wanted to do for her second act.

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