Chapter 35 | Decision

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The next morning, you woke up and did your morning routine like you always do. It wasn't game day, it was just a normal day. You went through your normal non game day routine, grabbed yourself some nice porridge for breakfast and then got changed into your training gear prepared to go to training. 

Just as you were about to head out of the door, you remembered what Ernesto Valverde said to you yesterday......

"My advice for you is to not come to training for a while. Find a gym nearby your place and keep your fitness levels up"

You were hoping that the training session yesterday was all a dream, but in reality it was not a dream. Ernesto Valverde really told you to stop coming in to training and to do individual stuff to keep your fitness levels high. 

Doing individual training was already bad for a footballer who is fully fit. But to not come into training and use a nearby gym as a replacement for training is even worse. Things couldn't get lower for you. This was not something that you needed at this stage of your career. At this stage of your career, you are supposed to be getting as much game time as you can, getting as much guidance and help from the coaches to reach your potential. With this new training scheme you were on, there was no way you were going to reach your potential.

However, despite the fact that you are never going to reach your potential by simply going to the gym, you still have to go. As much as you wanted to train, you still have to keep your fitness level high and make sure you are match prepared. Going to the gym is the only way that you can keep your fitness level to a match prepared state. It wasn't ideal but it had to be done. With that in mind, you grabbed your training bag and drove off to the nearest gym.

On the way to the gym, you kept thinking about what just happened to you. In a sense, you were technically banned from the training ground. This should have never happened to you, nobody should be removed from training unless they have broken something bad on the club's code of conduct, which you obviously have not. It was a bit ridiculous and it was stuff like this that made you think about your future at Athletic Club Bilbao.

Having thought about it long and hard, you knew that staying at the club was never going to benefit you and your career. The only option for you now to get regular game time is to leave Athletic Club Bilbao, leave this place called Pais Vasco for good. With that decision made, you turned your car around and instead of going to the gym, and despite being clearly told not to go to the training ground, you drove straight to the training facility. You must discuss this with the coach immediately, your future was at stake here.

As you arrived the training ground, you went straight onto the pitch and was greeted by your teammates already training. Ernesto Valverde seemed to spot you a little bit later and was shocked that you were here as he quickly walked towards you.

"Y/N, what are you doing here? I told you not to come to training until this whole thing is settled" Ernesto Valverde barked at you.

"I thought about it long and hard and I have something that I need to discuss with you, it's about my future and it's urgent" you responded not caring about what he just said.

"Right hang on, follow me. I'll tell Jon to take over and I'll see you in my office" Ernesto Valverde backed down and told you.

Soon, Ernesto Valverde met you in his office. The room atmosphere was not good as Ernesto Valverde was clearly not impressed that you showed up to training unannounced, but you have no other choice.

"So Y/N, what do you want to discuss?" Ernesto Valverde asked.

"Well, I have been thinking about it long and hard but I want to leave the club......" you started as you explained the whole situation to Ernesto Valverde.

The fact that, everyone in the club know that your potential is very high and with the current situation within and outside of the club, you were not reaching your potential at all. You just was not given the chance to reach your potential. It was very clear that the club was not giving you chances you deserve and if you continue to stay at Bilbao, your career was looking like it will hit a dead end very soon. The best thing for you was to leave the club. It was clear, to you and to everyone, you need to leave the club in order to reach your potential. 

"Right if that's what you have decided, I guess I can't stop you. You do realise the transfer window is closed right. There's nothing we can do until the end of the season" Ernesto Valverde explained.

"Well......" you said "there is one option"

"And that would be?" Ernesto Valverde asked curiously.

"We agree to terminate my contract on a mutual agreement, no fees involved. I leave as a free agent" you said.

"But wouldn't that be a bigger risk to your career?" Ernesto Valverde asked.

It was really a risk, nobody wants to be a free agent if they had the options to stay at a club. There is just too much uncertainty for a free agent. Whilst there are opportunities, there won't necessarily good opportunities out there. There is also a risk of ending your football career there and there, but this was a risk that you were willing to take. There was no other option. You could wait until the end of the season, but you don't want to waste months of not training and just doing gym session, you want to feel the fun of playing football again as soon as possible. This was the only way out.

"I know, but it's a risk I want to take" you reassured after thinking about it for a while.

"Bueno, I'll get the paperwork sorted and release you from your contract as soon as possible then. We'll give you until the end of the month to clear everything away from the facility. I wish you all the best in the future" Ernesto Valverde said.

This was a really difficult decision to make, but deep down you knew it was the right decision. It was the best for your career, you know that, everyone in the club knows that. Well, everyone in the club expect one person......

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