Chapter 34 | Training

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**Author's Note at the bottom of the chapter**

The next morning, you arrived into training in a pretty bad mood, not looking forward to it at all because you know the whole team would be talking about the news that has just bursted out yesterday. As you pulled into the parking lot, you saw a familiar already there. It signals that Rosé is here, she will be in the training facility today. Almost immediately, you wanted to turn around and head back home so you don't have to be in the same building as Rosé, especially after how you left things with her yesterday. However, as you saw the coaches arriving, there was no escape for you.

Reluctantly, you got changed and went out onto the pitch to join the other players who were already prepared for training to start. As much as Rosé was pretty much the person you don't want to meet, your teammates were also quite high up on the list of people you didn't want to meet after the news bursted out about you and Rosé. You didn't know what to expect meeting your teammates and you didn't know what they are going through their minds after reading the news. It was bad and you knew it, and you were very most certain that this will be brought up as one of the training gossip chats today.

"Oh look here he is, the main man himself, the boss shagger" you heard someone mumble as you walked onto the pitch.

"Great, this is going to be a long day" you thought to yourself.

"Right people, stop your chit chats, we've got stuff to do" Ernesto Valverde said as everyone went quiet.

Training for you was not easy. In terms of physicality, you managed to cope with it because you have spent long enough time playing at a high level standard and the training schedules for today was nothing different to any other training sessions you had done with this team. However, what was different was the mental aspect. You keep thinking about what everyone was saying about you, and about your relationship with the president of the football club. In your mind, you were imagining that everyone was calling you a "boss shagger". Despite only the more junior players made fun of you occasionally, your performance in training today was affected and it was definitely below par, and some of the more experienced people in the club could spot your sub par performance.

"Hey watch the ball boss shagger" one of the youth team players shouted at you as he passed the ball over to you whilst doing rondos.

You were completely take out of guard and what he called you certainly caught your attention. Despite trying you best, you made a poor first touch and let the ball get away from you. You heard some of the young players laugh at your mistake but team Raul Garcia came over to you.

"Forget about them, they're not part of us core first team players and are just jealous that they didn't get as much first team opportunities as you did. I think you are better than them anyways" Raul Garcia told you. 

This is why Raul Garcia was the captain of the team, he always knows what to say.

Suddenly, out of nowhere you heard some noises outside the training facility. You didn't know what was that all about but it sounds like a crowd was near the training facility. After a while of the noises, some security people came onto the pitch and spoke to Ernesto Valverde. You didn't know what the conversation was about, but it seems quite serious because after the conversation ended, Ernesto Valverde grabbed the attention of everyone who is on the training pitch.

"Alright señors, apparently we have a crowd outside the training facility. I want you all to go back indoors and we will try to sort out how to evacuate you all, this is an emergency" Ernesto Valverde announced.

Everyone did as they were told, rushing back indoors and waited for the security team to give them the next instruction of what to do. However, you had a different idea.

"Hey gaffer" you grabbed Ernesto Valverde as you all went indoors "I've got something I want to ask"

"Si, ask ahead" Ernesto Valverde replied.

"I'm assuming that the crowd out there are once again voicing their displeasure of me and my situation within the club is that right?" you asked.

"Yes and this time it is worse, because there are press and reporters here trying to capture the story from the club president Rosé's side too. You've done pretty well to be this noticed by everyone with your short time within the club" Ernesto Valverde responded.

"Oh s***" you thought in your mind

"My advice for you" Ernesto Valverde continued "is to not come into training for a while, after all you are the main target of everyone within the city of Bilbao now. It could get dangerous, you know, club ultras, protestors, paparazzis, press and reporters. Find a gym nearby your place and keep your fitness levels up. I'll talk to our press officer to see if we could sort something out to clear up everything. But until then, I think it's best for you to stay as far away as you can from places where it is easy for these people to get access to" Ernesto Valverde told you.

You were left with no option, at that point, there is nothing you can do to make the situation better. All you could do was to take Ernesto Valverde's advice and go on this mini break. It was tough but it was something that you must do. After that, you left the training facility through the help and escort of the security members and headed straight back home. Not knowing what to do. You have to keep your fitness levels up but at the same time you can't come into the training facility. This is going to be a very tough time for you.

It looks like your footballing career here at Athletic Club Bilbao has once again hit another dead end. 

So another chapter done, just want to say I'm sorry for taking a long while but I have been extremely busy. Now that summer is approaching I will hopefully have some more time to write more and update a little bit more frequently. My aim is to finish this book by the end of summer. With that aim in mind, I will also speed the plot of this book up a little bit just so I could also enjoy my summer a little bit and maybe spare some time to work on my upcoming and unpublished projects. Hopefully you have been enjoying this book so far and please continue to support this book until the end. Thank you very much for all your continuous support for this book whilst I wasn't updating it and one last thing......

...... I now have a discord server so if you want to chat with me and give me positive (or negative) feedback about my books, or if you want to shout at me for not updating as frequently as other authors, please do so through discord. I'm a lot more active on discord and hence the reply rate will be a lot higher. If you wish to join my discord server, the link will be in the comments and on my wattpad profile. I'll see you all when I update the next chapter.

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