Chapter 6 | Investment

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Ever since the game Rosé watched at the Suwon World Cup Stadium, she has became an enthusiast in the sport. She wanted to try herself at this football thing. Kicking a ball at the park was not enough for her. Rosé wanted more, Rosé wanted to get involved in football, to play in a team or at least participate in a team. The team spirit and the atmosphere was the thing that got Rosé hooked into the sport and she wanted to try it out herself.

Despite her best efforts in going to trails with local teams FC Anyang and Ansan Greeners, Rosé was not able to pass the first stage of the trails. She lacked skills in going pro with her footballing career. Rosé tried her best to see if she could improve her football skills but she lacked talent in this area. Rosé was devastated and could only give up and go home after failing to get pass the first stage of the trial. 

Rosé was devastated, her footballing dream that started few days ago has came to an end. It was a very short lived dream as she realised she doesn't have the ability to play football. Football was something that she really wanted to do as a second act. 

Knowing that she had not potential and ability to get into the footballing world, Rosé went back to her old self. Going back to the Rosé when BLACKPINK has just disbanded. Doing absolutely nothing, just sat on the sofa doing nothing and watching TV with a big bag of chips on her lap. The lifeless and lazy Rosé was back.

She wasn't crying over the fact that her short lived football dream was over, in fact she was more disappointed that she once again found herself having no achievement with her life after her singer career was over.

"Rosé, I'm back. How was the football trials?" Rosé's older sister Alice suddenly asked when she came back home.

Rosé was shocked at the arrival of her sister back home from work. Because she did nothing the whole day after the trials, it was very difficult to keep track of time. Therefore, Rosé didn't even know that it was already getting late.

"Wait, what happened? Why are you back to your old self again?" Alice asked, spotting her younger sister sat on the sofa doing nothing. Kind of fed up with her going back to her old self.

"Nothing, it's just my football dream is over" Rosé said.

"What do you mean over?" Alice asked, not knowing what her younger sister meant.

"Well, I didn't get into the team. Simple as that, now I need to find some other thing that I want to do and there aren't anything I want to do" Rosé replied to her older sister whilst storming back into her room.

Alice hated this, she hated seeing her younger sister so out of life and so lost as to what she should do with her life. She wanted her older sister to have a happy life and it seems like football is the only thing that Rosé wanted to do now. Suddenly, Alice had a brilliant idea, remembering something that happened at work today. If her younger sister can't play football, there's other ways Rosé could get involved in football.

Slowly, Alice pulled out the documents that she was going through at work today and there was the document she was trying to find, the proposal of a new consortium called Seoul Sports Consortium Group. This consortium need one member to invest into their board of directors and are planning to invest in a foreign football team. This could potentially be the way Rosé could be involved in football for once.

"Hey Rosie" Alice entered Rosé's room with some documents in her hand.

"What? Here to tell me I need to find something to do with my life again?" Rosé replied, clearly wanting to be left alone.

"No, actually I have found something you could do with your life" Alice replied.

"I'm not interested" Rosé said in a pissed off tone.

Alice was trying her best, but her younger sister wasn't making it easy for her. But Alice insisted that she needs to tell Rosé the whole story before she would leave her alone. With Alice's perseverance, Rosé had no choice but to listen to her older sister.

"Hear me out, there's this financial group that I'm currently working with. They want another board member to invest in some sports teams" Alice started off.

"Not interested" Rosé butted in before Alice could finish.

"No listen, let me finish" Alice said, starting to lose her patience.

"As I was saying" Alice continued "there is this financial group that I'm currently working with and they want to invest in some sports teams. Specifically some foreign sports, and maybe potentially buying out a foreign football team" Alice finished off.

"So, why are you telling me this?" Rosé questioned her older sister.

"Because you could be investing your hard earned money from BLACKPINK into something you like" Alice answered.

Rosé thought about it for a moment. Without BLACKPINK, all she was doing right now was spending her millions and millions of earnings. There was definitely no steady income for her right now and the number on her bank account was getting lower and lower every day. The only thing that was giving her some sort of income was the freelance modelling jobs that she was getting.

"Maybe putting my earnings to some investments might not be a bad idea" Rosé thought to herself.

However, there was the problem of the risk when investing the money. Rosé has never tried this investment thing before and she wasn't sure if this was a good way to use her money. She was worried that all the money would be gone very soon and come back with return. 

"Fine I'll do it, I trust you unnie. But I'm not putting all my money in it" Rosé said after a while of thinking.

"No you don't need to stupid. Nobody invests all their assets into one thing. Come to the meeting with me at work tomorrow then and I'll sort out the paperwork" Alice replied before leaving her younger sister's room.

Rosé knew this investment is going to be a risk, especially for someone like her who didn't really understand anything about finance and investment. However, she was exciting. This was her chance to get involved with something that she is interested in, this is her second act and this is how she could get her life going again. By investing part of her money into hopefully a football team. 

Also, there was no way her older sister Alice will do something sketchy with Rosé's money. Rosé trust her older sister to manage her money well.

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