Chapter 13 | Not A Fan

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It was a very busy day for you and you were thankful that it was over and you could join first team training tomorrow. Once you were back at home, you took a shower and went straight to bed trying to get as much rest as you can before your first ever training session with your new team. You really wanted to impress the new manager and your new teammates. Before you went to bed, you checked social media and you saw something that you could truly be proud of, the post that Athletic Club Bilbao posted regarding you signing for the team. 

This was it, the moment that signals the official start for the next chapter of your life

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This was it, the moment that signals the official start for the next chapter of your life......

The next morning, you woke up excitedly and went to the training ground. You wanted to hit the ground running and therefore you decided to go to the training ground early. As you arrived at the training ground, you saw a bunch of people outside the training ground. Not a lot, around 20 people, they were protesting you think as they were holding up some signs and shouting. You couldn't hear it because you were inside the car and they were shouting in Spanish. You decided to ignore it and went into the training ground. 

Ignoring all the antics outside the stadium, you went to the training pitch and did some light warm up. Over time, your new teammates joined you in your warm up and started to get to know more about you. You were feeling welcomed in the club by your teammates, it was looking like all good vibes for your first training session here at the club.

Soon the manager walked onto the pitch about 10 minutes later than training was expected to start.

"Alright señors, sorry I'm late today. Got stuck with the protestors outside the training facilities" the manager apologised.

"Right señors, we have a new player joining us for training starting today. Please welcome Y/N to our squad" the manager said as he pointed at you whilst all the players gave you a warm welcome to the squad.

You forgot that there was a protest outside the training facilities, but now that you were reminded of this you were wondering what it could be about. But quickly you shook it off as training started.

The truth is, the fans did not respond well to you signing for Athletic Club Bilbao. You just didn't notice it because all their protest signs were in Spanish. The fans have been discontent about the new owners being foreign investors and now that you have signed for the club as well, it caused the discontent to pile up even more. The fans outside the stadium were actually protesting about you joining and was waiting for you to show up so they could attack you. 

However, because you didn't know anything about this, you continued your training session, unaware of the danger outside the stadium.

There was a really good reason that the fans does not like you, you were the first non Spanish and non Basque player to join Athletic Club Bilbao. This signing has broken the 110 year tradition of Athletic Club Bilbao. There were controversies about Aymeric Laporte joining a few years ago, and if that wasn't clear about how much the fans care about this tradition, a protest the day after the club announced that they have signed a South Korean player was pretty clear that they do not want the club to break this traditions.

It wasn't the fact that you have signed the fans were protesting about, they were protesting about the board, the new chairman, the breaking of this 110 year tradition and almost everything that has changed inside the club since this new South Korean investors has took over the club. These fans who have supported the club for years and generations were not happy about the new signing. It wasn't because you were not good enough, it was just because you have no heritage and link to Basque. You were just a South Korean footballer who signed for Athletic Club Bilbao.

The fans started this protest with one thing in mind, forcing you out of the club was one of the aims, but also to force these South Korean investors to sell the club to someone who understood the Basque traditions of the club.

However, because you have no idea about all of this stuff, you didn't think about leaving the club at all. You were just focused to get into the first team and making your La Liga debut.

After training, you left the training ground hoping those 20 protestors you saw outside the stadium has left. Much to your disappointment, they haven't and there just seemed to be more protestors outside the stadium. You didn't really understand what this was about and they wasn't bothering your route to leave the training facility so you just ignored them all and focused on doing your own stuff.

On the ride home, you pulled your phone out and scrolled on Twitter. Whilst doing that, you noticed a few hashtags were trending on Twitter. 

You didn't really know what this was about, but you saw your name on it

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You didn't really know what this was about, but you saw your name on it. Therefore, you decided to click on it to see what the Tweets were about. The Tweets were all in Spanish so you had a hard time reading it. 

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With your limited Spanish knowledge you couldn't pick out the exact meaning of these Tweets

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With your limited Spanish knowledge you couldn't pick out the exact meaning of these Tweets. But from what you understood, it was mostly about how the fans weren't happy about your signing. You didn't know the real reason why they were not a fan of you but immediately you linked it to your performance. With that you have decided to hopefully win the fans over by putting in good performances with the chances you have.

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