Chapter 12 | Press Conference

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With the decision made and destination set at Bilbao, you packed your bags and left the place that you call your hometown. As you said before, this is an massive opportunity for you. European football was where you always wanted to be at and Athletic Bilbao was the place where you could kick start your European football career and the start of your next chapter. You were excited and insecure at the same time.

You were excited because you finally got what you wanted all along, to play in the big stage and show the world what you could do, but you were also insecure thinking if this is the best move for your career at this point.

Nevertheless, all those thoughts were cleared away once you touched down in Bilbao. All your worries seemed to have gone as you arrived at Bilbao anticipating the next chapter of your career. You were directly escorted from the airport towards the stadium. You really can't wait to get started, meet your new teammates and experience European yourself. The closest you have got to European football was when these European teams come over to play a friendly against K.LEAGUE teams, but now you are actually going to play European football yourself. You just hoped that the medical is going to go quickly.

Thankfully, like you have hoped for, the medical gone past very quickly and everything seemed to be going smoothly. The physio was happy about your clean bill of health and said that you could join first team training any time. You couldn't wait to go out and meet your new teammates, but the team had other ideas.

Instead of telling you to go join first team training, you were taken to the press room to meet the press. This was your least favourite thing to do, it's just sitting there and the press asking you questions that you didn't want to answer.

Once you were in the room, you saw a woman already sat on the desk with the press waiting for this press conference to start. You knew who the woman was, it was Park Chaeyoung, ex BLACKPINK member and now the chairwomen of Athletic Club Bilbao. You know your K-Pop well given you were born and raised in South Korea. But you weren't a big fan of it, your sister was but you just cared about football. Following the PR manager's instruction you sat down next to the chairwomen, preparing yourself for what you called hell.

"Hey Miss Park" you greeted her.

"Right let's start shall we?" she whispered to you as you nodded in response. Rosé gave a thumbs up to the guy sat next to her before the PR manager started talking.

"Thank you very much everyone for attending this press conference. I present to you Athletic Bilbao's new signing Y/N from Suwon Samsung Bluewings, without further ado, let's get on with the questions" the PR manager said.

As the press conference started, the press were not shy of bombarding you with questions. They were eager to know more about you and why did you sign for Athletic Club Bilbao. It was always the same type of questions, you hated it but somehow you need to do it because it was your job.

"Well take this lady here for the first question" the PR manager said handing her the mic as the reporter stood up.

"Semra Hunter, La Liga TV question to all three of you" the reporter started her question "Y/N, you are Athletic Club Bilbao's first player without a Spanish nationality since Fernando Amorebieta. Could you tell us what made you choose this club given the lack of foreign players in the squad. Also, is this new signing mean that the club would be looking to bring in more foreign talent in the future?" the reporter finished off her question.

Typical press conference and interviewers, asking you how are you feeling joining a new club. It was the most boring question and pointless question in the world. But you still have to answer it as you put the mic towards you.

"Obviously I'm excited to get started with the club, I can't wait to meet the players and get into training. In terms of the language barrier, I think that won't be a problem. Football is a universal language so I don't think it will be a problem for me" you gave out the most standard answer to the question.

"Follow up to that question. Could you tell us a bit about this new signing, why have you picked Y/N and does this mean the club will be looking to bring in more foreign talents?" the reporter asked the follow up questions.

Rosé took the mic and prepared to answer the question.

"Obviously, the scouts worked very hard into finding the best players and Y/N is one of the players that the scout recommended so we decided to bring him into the club. In terms of foreign players, we will continue to work on improving the squad and strengthening the team" Rosé answered.

Then the next reporter stood up and asked another question.

"Melissa Reddy, Sky Sports España question for the club's development director, Mikel Gonzalez" the next reporter said "Following up to that, does that mean the club is prepared to move on from the tradition of only signing Basque players?"

The guy next to Rosé took the mic for this answer.

"We are not prepared to answer this question just yet. But as the chairwomen Miss Park said we are all for bringing the best talents into the club and if the talents are from outside the Basque region we will evaluate the situation and make the correct decision which is what's best for the club" Mike answered.

The press conference went on for what felt like forever to you. It was mostly about you being the first non Spanish player to join the club since that Fernando Amorebieta guy so the press just wanted to know more about the club vision and stuff. It was very boring and you can't wait to get out of the press conference room.

After the press conference has ended, you finished off the day by doing some photo shoots with the club kit for the official announcement on social media. Finishing off a very boring media day that you never wanted to be a part of. However, tomorrow will be better as you can't wait to join first team training.

 However, tomorrow will be better as you can't wait to join first team training

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