Chapter 8 | Athletic Club Bilbao

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Breaking News

Shortly after the meeting, the consortium's bid for Athletic Club Bilbao has been accepted

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Shortly after the meeting, the consortium's bid for Athletic Club Bilbao has been accepted. This means that the Seoul Sports Consortium Group now owns the majority of shares of the Athletic Club Bilbao also confirming the start of Rosé's second act. With the takeover completed, Rosé's first task as club president was to head over to Bilbao and take care of all the annoying press related stuff that needs to be dealt with. Most importantly, she needed to head over to the club to meet the players and the coaching team to see if any of the staff needs to be reshuffled.

Arriving at Bilbao, Rosé was curious about the place. Despite her travelling to many different places when she was an idol, Spain was a place that she has never been before. She didn't know much about Spain, all she know about the country was Real Madrid and Athletic Club Bilbao. Rosé was pretty much diving into the unknown here, but she was excited as she enjoyed the scenery of the ride from Bilbao airport to the San Mamés Stadium. 

"Wow, this place is beautiful" Rosé thought to herself as she looked out of the window.

"Wow, this place is beautiful" Rosé thought to herself as she looked out of the window

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Very soon, she arrived at the San Mamés Stadium,the home of Athletic Club Bilbao. The press officers were ready, the stadiumgates were full of reporters filming the arrival of Rosé. Thankfully, her carhas tinted windows so photographers can't film anything, but the stage was setas Athletic Club Bilbao announces a new club president following the takeover.Everyone was ready for Athletic Club Bilbao to embark on a new journey withthis group of Korean investors and club president Park Chaeyoung.

As Rosé got out of the car and entered thestadium, she was greeted by a girl at the front door holding something red inher hand. Something like a shirt of some sort.

"Welcome Miss Park. I'm Camila, the club'sPR and media executive. The first agenda on this is to take some photos for thesocial media announcement. Please follow me to the pitch and here's the shirtthat you will hold" Camila said as she handed the shirt to Rosé.

Rosé then followed Camila through the stadium towards the pitch. And once she entered the pitch, she was shocked at what was in front of her. The San Mamés Stadium was glorious, it was nothing like any stadium she has seen before. It was much bigger than the Suwon World Cup Stadium. Rosé then proceeds to follow Camila's instructions and stood on the pitch by the Athletic Club Bilbao crest to take a few photos holding her shirt out to show the world that a new club president has took over Athletic Club Bilbao. What she doesn't know is that this simple change is going to break the internet for weeks.

"Nice, I will send you the photos afterwards. If you wish, I could then take you around the stadium for a tour and then meet some of the players at the training base" Camila offered.

"Sure, that would be great" Rosé replied.

"Follow me then Miss Park" Camila said as Rosé followed her hoping that this would allow her to understand more about the club.

Rosé didn't know much about the club itself, and she was eager to know more about Athletic Club Bilbao. All she know about this club is that it is located in a city called Bilbao in Spain. It wasn't the more internationally exposed club in all honesty, but this club does have it's own history and achievements throughout the years.

Walking through the club, Rosé saw a lot of honours gained by the club written on the walls. Athletic Club Bilbao might not be the most successful club in modern day Spanish football, but it sure has it's own success story. They are a club that was very successful in the early 20th century, Winning 8 La Liga titles, 23 Copa Del Reys, 3 Supercopa De España, one Copa Eve Duarte and one Copa de la Coronación.

"And this brings us to the end of the honours tour. Our most recent trophy was the Supercoa de España in 2020-21" Camila said as the tour of the stadium ended.

"Thanks for the tour. So what's next for the agenda?" Rosé asked.

"Well if you want to, we could do meet the players at the training ground" Camila answered.

Rosé then proceeds to the training ground to meet the current squad for the club, as they introduced themselves to Rosé one by one, she realised something strange.

All the players in the club were Spanish. She didn't know why, but she just assumed that this was how football works as she understood from the game she watched that most of the players who played in the K.LEAGUE are Koreans. She wasn't too sure about why Athletic Club Bilbao only have Spanish players as she was still new to this whole football thing, but she just went along with it. The players themselves seemed to be happy meeting Rosé and seemed to have put up a very welcoming act for the new club president's visit.

"Thank you every one for your kind introductions, I look forward to working with you all" Rosé said as she greeted all the players.

All in all, Rosé seemed to have enjoyed her first visit to Athletic Club Bilbao and meeting all the players. She thinks that the players themselves are nice to her which is a bonus. However, what she doesn't know is that the players are only being nice to the new club president to avoid being sold in the next transfer market window. 

Finally, completing a hectic day of schedules, Rosé was finally able to rest for a bit. She got back to the hotel, laid in bed and went on social media. Whilst she was on social media, something strange was happening. She saw her name and Athletic Club Bilbao were trending on twitter, she shook it off as it was probably just because of the takeover and the changes made to the club. She was used to being trending on social media anyways. However, there was one thing that she also saw was trending, one thing that a lot of people seems to be talking about. This one weird thing that seemed to be going viral, but this was the thing that she doesn't know about.

This one thing was......

This one thing was

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