Chapter 21 | Stress Reliever

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That was the sound of the water bottle hitting the changing room door. 

As Rosé was walking past the changing room, she heard something. She heard the noise of something colliding with something. This was weird because she just saw the manager, the coaching team staff and all the players leave the training facility. The only people still in the facility should be cleaners and admin staff. Nobody should be in the changing room that leads to the training pitch. But from what she heard, someone was definitely in the changing room. Rosé therefore decided to head into the changing room to see what was going on.

"Y/N? Why are you here" Rosé asked as she saw Y/N in the changing room alone.

"Oh hello Rosé, I was just getting changed and ready to leave" you replied "what about you?" you asked back.

"It doesn't sound like you were just getting changed, I only came in because I heard a loud banging noise from the outside" Rosé replied as she spotted the bottle on the floor.

Spotting the bottle on the floor, Rosé picked it up.

"I'm guessing this was the cause of the loud banging noise" Rosé said as she handed the bottle back to you.

"Yeah I guess, just been a frustrating day" you replied.

"Come on, pack your things and come with me" Rosé said after hearing that you have had a frustrating day.

"Where are we going?" you questioned.

"Just follow me" Rosé responded keeping the destination a secret.

Without questioning anything else, you followed Rosé and she started driving. You had no idea where you were going, but it was somewhere in a residential area given the direction you were heading. Soon, you two approached a mansion by the shoreline of Castro Urdiales. It was probably Rosé's house, only a rich girl like her could afford living in a mansion like this. Coincidentally, it was also your dream that one day you would play for a top club in world football and live in a mansion like this, but for now your apartment in the city of Bilbao will do. 

"Well, welcome to my house" Rosé said as you both entered the mansion

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"Well, welcome to my house" Rosé said as you both entered the mansion. 

"Why are we here?" you asked.

"Before I answer that, what do you think of this place?" Rosé asked you a question back.

"It is amazing, I've always dreamed of one day playing football at a top club and living in a mansion similar to this, like what all the top players have" you responded.

"Anyways, would you like to tell me about why you threw the water bottle in the changing room today?" Rosé asked snapping you back into reality and bringing back your frustrations.

"It's just something related to the manager and stuff, but I don't want to ruin your day with my frustrations" you responded.

"Come on, let it all out. The only reason I brought you here is because this place is away from everything so you could scream and throw things without disturbing anyone. Also, your secrets and frustrations will be safe with me" Rosé responded.

There it was, the whole reason Rosé brought you to her mansion was because she wanted you to release all your frustrations and all your stress. Knowing that your secret is safe with Rosé, you began telling her your story and your problems.

"Well the problem started with the manager......" you started.

"Hold up, so the manager is causing you problems? I can fire him if you want to" Rosé interrupted you.

"No, please don't do anything. He's fine, but he's just not giving me enough game time because he's siding with the fans. No matter how much I impress on the pitch and in training, I'm always sitting on the bench......" you continued your story.

So, you told Rosé about your frustrations, how you were frustrated being on the bench week in week out. For some reason, the more you vented, the more frustrated and angry you got and the more it turned Rosé on. She was always into guys who are determined and know what they wanted. With your ranting, she realised how much you wanted regular game time and how determined you are to reach your career goals which turned her on massively.

"...... and yeah I don't know how should I solve this problem. I didn't want this to escalate so please don't make this a big deal" you finished off your story and begging Rosé to not do anything about it.

Rosé on the other hand was zoned out, not really listening to what you were saying. Only focusing on the tone and your determination which was turning her on.

"Hello, Rosé? Are you listening?" you asked her as you finished your story.

Suddenly Rosé was snapped back to reality.

"Oh yeah. F*ck. That was so hot, just kiss me already" Rosé blurted out suddenly as she practically jumped on you.

"What?" you were a bit confused as she hugged her back.

"That was so hot. Your frustrations and anger turned me on so much. Come on, just kiss me" Rosé repeated herself.

You didn't need to be offered again as you smashed your lips against Rosé and picked her up starting your make out session. You never thought you would end up as a footballer for La Liga side Athletic Club Bilbao and making out with BLACKPINK's Rosé inside a seaside mansion but here you are. You didn't care how you got here, you were just going to enjoy this.

Moments later, you both pulled out catching a breather. You looked at Rosé, she was perfect. Black blazer over her dress , long blonde hair and a killer body. You seriously have no idea what you done to turn her on like this but you were not going to deny this opportunity.

 You seriously have no idea what you done to turn her on like this but you were not going to deny this opportunity

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After catching a breather Rosé spoke up.

"Let's go to the bedroom so I could help you release some of that stress and frustration you are having" Rosé smirked as your faces are literally against each other.

Well looks like you are getting lucky tonight as you picked her up and carried her to her bedroom before putting down on her bed...... 

País Vasco - Rosé X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now