Chapter 17 | Don't Know What To Do

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"Actually Y/N, can you stay behind for a while?" Rosé said to you.

"Sure, what's up Miss Park" you responded stopping your tracks and closed the door as everyone left the room.

"Please call me Rosie now that we're alone" Rosé told you.

You didn't know what to expect. The president of the club doesn't really interact with the players which made you nervous that Rosé told you to stay behind. It was a bit weird because these things are usually done by the manager, people in the boardroom actually never interacts with the players directly and certainly you have never been in this situation before.

"How are you feeling about the decision?" Rosé asked you.

"I'm not sure about it, there's a lot to take in. I just want to be alone and think about it" you replied.

"Come on, let's go somewhere. What you need now is a breath of fresh air, I know a place" Rosé suddenly told you.

Reluctantly you agreed, you have no idea where you both were heading but you just followed Rosé to wherever she was taking you. All you knew is that this place was away from the city and it was somewhere that was quiet which was good because you could think about your options.

Soon you arrived by the coastline and the view there was beautiful, you liked it here. It was a place that you never knew even existed. 

"Well, here we are

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"Well, here we are. Mirador del Espigón de Punta Galea, this is where I like to stay calm and relax when the pressure from work is too much" Rosé said to you telling you where you were.

"Nice, but why are we here?" you asked.

"I thought you could use this place to relax and calm down" Rosé answered.

To be fair, this wasn't a bad idea. Rosé was right, you needed some space away from everything, from the fact that the fans hate you and want you out of the club. Everything was happening just too quick. From you getting promoted into the first team, moving to Spain and making your La Liga debut to now being forced out of the club because of the protests. It was just too sudden and quick, it felt like your career peaked and dipped very quickly and it was something that you really need time to process everything.

You thought about everything that has happened since you joined Athletic Club Bilbao, all the good times and the bad times. Athletic Club Bilbao has given you the opportunity to play at a high level of football, and made you achieved your childhood dream of playing football in the European stage. However, on the downside, you have been feeling a lot of pressure lately. From the fans and all the protests. You felt like that you were not welcomed at the club and you were definitely not welcomed with the amount of hate you were getting from the fans right now.

Whilst you were deep in thought, Rosé suddenly spoke up, destroying the silence.

"So, what are you thinking about?" Rosé asked.

"Nothing there's just a lot to take in you know. The fans doesn't want me there, but I am enjoying my football here with the club" you replied.

There was no denying that you were happy playing football at this level, the club has helped you improved a lot and you know that your ability has also improved after joining a club of Athletic Club Bilbao's stature. It was good for your development and you wanted to stay and continue your development here at Athletic Club Bilbao.

"Here try this, answer this question truthfully. Do you want to stay at the club?" Rosé asked you.

"Ummmm, I don't know. I'm happy but the fans doesn't want me here" you struggled to respond to that answer.

"Just think about it, are you happy here or not. Don't think about the fans, just think about what you want" Rosé said.

You had a long and deep thought about your options. Leaving on loan, maybe permanently or staying at the club. The thing was, if you decided to leave, the loan might not work out and you might end up leaving the club permanently. There was a risk of never getting an opportunity like this ever again. Opportunities of joining a top European club doesn't come often and if you let this opportunity slip, it may never come again. You were definitely happy at this club, it was a place where teammates coaches and club staff has welcomed you into the club. They have made you felt comfortable since the day you joined the club. The only problem was the fans, and like Rosé said if you forget about the fans you definitely would like the stay at the club and continue playing your football here with Athletic Club Bilbao. 

However, if you factor in the situation with the fans, you really don't know what to do.

After a deep and long thought, you have decided that you did not want to leave, you wanted to stay at the club.

"I want to stay at the club, I don't want to leave" you said after a long thought.

"Great, so it's decided. We won't try and offload you. I'll talk to the coach and Mikel about it first thing tomorrow" Rosé replied with a smile.

"Why I thought you wanted to keep the fans happy?" you asked Rosé curiously.

"The truth is Y/N, the fans aren't just unhappy and protesting about you joining the club. They were also unhappy with me being the president of the club. It all started when I was appointed club president. But what I did was ignore them, and continued doing my job. You should do this too. Whatever happens, just forget about them and continue doing your job and you'll be fine" Rosé explained.

Despite what Rosé said, you were still a little bit scared about the fans. The thing was, for the past few games you continued to play your game, focusing on your job but the fans still hated you. Hopefully this situation will change.

"But no matter how much effort I put in, the fans still seemed to hate me" you replied.

"Trust me, as long as we have each other, stick together and the fans will turn their opinions around and start to accept us" Rosé assured you.

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