Chapter 27 | Online Comments

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It was safe to say that after the big last minute miss against Atletico de Madrid has given you a lot of negatives on the days after the game. The fans who already hate you seemed to hate you more and weren't afraid to take it to the internet to voice their unhappiness over your performance and your addition to their beloved club. Online abuse was a big thing nowadays and you were certainly getting a fair share of it right now. You have been receiving online abuse ever since you joined Athletic Club Bilbao, but the voices has died down over the period where you have not been playing. However, these abuse seemed to be coming back ever since your big miss to equalise against Atletico de Madrid.

You were no stranger to online abuse, it was something that every professional athlete will have to face in their career. Haters are going to hate after all. You decided to pay absolutely no attention to these comments online and continued doing your own thing. Putting in all the effort in training to hopefully break back into the starting lineup, making sure that what happened the previous game and what people are saying about you online does not affect your performances in training and future game at all.

Continuing training like it was, you made sure the manager know you were putting maximum efforts into training sessions which seemed to impressed Ernesto Valverde. If there was one thing that the late missed chances showed to Ernesto Valverde, it was the fact that his change during the second half worked which meant that he could continue playing this way. Together with your impressive training rate, Ernesto Valverde started to feel confident about the upcoming game against Getafe. Definitely having you in his plans for that game.

However, even when these negative comments and online abuse didn't bother you at all, it certainly bothered Rosé. She didn't like what the people were talking about you online and how you were receiving abusive language that you didn't deserve. 

After training, Rosé decided to check on you to make sure you were ok and aware about what was happening online. She made her way down to the training pitch once training was finished.

"Hey Y/N" Rosé greeted you on the training field.

"Oh hey Rosé, what's up?" you were surprised to see her on the training field

"Free for a chat?" Rosé asked you as you got some looks from the clubs less relevant staff.

"Sure, but not here people are watching" you tried to keep it low key to not attract any attention from the coaches and players.

"I'll meet you at the car park in 30 minutes" Rosé told you as she went back into the main building whilst you headed towards the changing room.

Ever since that time sleeping at Rosé's place, you and Rosé relationship has gone a bit awkward especially when you were both at club premises. It's not that you haven't been seeing each other. In fact you both have been seeing each other a lot, just outside the club and out of office hours. During private times, you often head towards Rosé's place to do something or even sleep at her place after training. You two weren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend or anything like that, but you two were just sleeping together which is what made it weird. Nobody in the club know anything about it and you certainly didn't want anyone from the club to know that you were sleeping with the big boss of the club. It would just make things weird between yourself the players and the coaches. 

Especially in this situation when you are just starting to be back in the manager's plan to bring this club forwards. Letting people know about your relationship with Rosé will just cause chatter within the dressing room, chatter and gossip that you both don't need. It will certainly ruin your reputation, not just only in the club but also in the footballing world. This is why you and Rosé were acting awkwardly around club premises and trying to stay out of each other's way whenever you were in the training facility. Thankfully nobody found out the awkwardness between the two of you yet.

After your little conversation with Rosé, you went into the changing room to get changed and prepare for this "date" with Rosé who was not your girlfriend. Because you were flagged down by Rosé, this means that you were the last one to be in the changing room. Some players have already got changed and left, but the players who were still there asked you where you were since you were the first ones to head off the training pitch.

"Hey amigo where have you been?" Oihan Sancet asked.

"Just talking to one of the staff to analyse if I could do better in the Atleti game" you replied. This was a lie, you didn't want anyone to suspect anything about you and Rosé. Of course, the club knew you both were Korean, but they didn't know what was happening underneath the sheets between yourself and Rosé.

"Don't think too much about it. I know you have been receiving abuse from the fans but it's what every footballer have to go through. We have good days and bad days, just ignore the negative comments on social media and focus on your game. You did well in the game against Atleti" team leader Raul Garcia told you as he packed his bags and left.

With all these support you were getting from your teammates and the whole first team, you definitely didn't want to destroy this trust and the current squad dynamics.

You slowly took a shower in the changing room and got changed slowly before making sure that all the coaches and players have left the training facility. Once you made sure that the coast was clear, you made your way towards the car park where you would meet Rosé. Making sure none of your teammates were following you. If any one of them catches you, you are dead meat.

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