Chapter 28 | It's Nothing

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Once you made sure that the coast was clear, you made your way towards the car park where you would meet Rosé. Making sure none of your teammates were following you. If any one of them catches you, you are dead meat. You tried to look for Rosé, you looked around the car park but she was nowhere to be seen. You wondered where she was, but just as soon as you started wondering, someone sounded the horn of their car. The sudden noise shocked you and you saw Rosé's car flashing the lights at you and you made your way towards her car.

"Not funny Rosé" you told her as you entered her car.

"It was funny for me" Rosé responded still laughing at your shocked reaction.

"That could attract people's attention and our secret would be out in the public" you responded still looking around to see if anyone was still at the training complex.

"So did anyone see you?" Rosé asked.

"Nope, coast was all clear. Everyone left before I left" you answered.

"Good, let's go" Rosé said as she drove off.

"Where are we going anyways?" you asked Rosé not having a clue where she will take you but Rosé just kept quiet.

You didn't know where Rosé was taking you, but you were sure it will either be somewhere for a nice date or her house where you two will be getting some business on. After all these were all the things you do. Go on dates like you are a couple or sleep together at her house. Maybe it would be both, you don't know and therefore you just waited to see where today headed and went with the flow.

During the journey, you and Rosé had a little bit of a catch up to see what you both have been doing lately.

It was nice spending time with her, obviously it needed to be a secret because of your complicated relationship at work, but like you always thought, it was nice to be at a foreign land with someone who spoke your language. Rosé felt the same way as well. Obviously, you have football as a common language between you and your teammates but outside football it was nice to have someone like Rosé who you could talk to easily about your problems. If you were being honest, sometimes you felt like Rosé benefitted more than you in this relationship even though you were getting a lot of benefits from her as well.

Soon, after a short journey, you both arrived at the centre of Bilbao at a nice cafe. It became obvious that it will be one of those dates that starts off where you guys chat about things. It wasn't the worst of ideas because sometimes you could really use a pair of ears to listen to your frustrations. You and Rosé haven't had a catch up for a while already with your respective schedules.

Rosé got both of you a booth and you both sat down ordering your coffees before you spoke up trying to see what was Rosé up to lately.

"So what have you been doing lately? We haven't had one of these times where we talk about things" you spoke up after the barista took your order.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing" Rosé responded to your question.

"What about me?" you were not sure what she was talking about.

"You know, with all the" Rosé said sounding like she was trying to avoid saying something out loud.

"All the what?" you still have no idea what was going on.

"All the online abuse you have been receiving. I have been on social media and people seemed to really hate you. Especially after the last game, what happened?" Rosé finally got to the point.

You suddenly clicked, knowing that Rosé was worried about your mental health knowing that you have been receiving abuse from fans online. You were certainly not bothered about any of those things, but it was still nice to have someone that cared about you when these things are happening. 

"Oh it's nothing. I missed a last minute chance to equalise and get the team a point so the fans all hate me more than they did before" you responded like it was nothing.

"I know these things can have a heavy negative impact on someone, it happens in my industry too back when I was in K-Pop" Rosé responded.

The truth was, Rosé was worried about you. She was really worried about how you would take these comments after seeing them. It was something that she knew could affect someone deeply. After all, the K-Pop industry was full of haters as well and BLACKPINK certainly encountered their fair share of hate comments over the days. Even now after they have disbanded they were still receiving hate comments from online haters. It was something that Rosé didn't want to happen to any of the players here, especially you. 

"Honestly, it's really nothing. Everyone is entitled their own opinions, I don't really care. I'm more focused on what I do myself" you told Rosé trying to make her less worried about you.

This was not only coming from the fact because Rosé cared about you, it was because things like this could impact the whole club. Rosé knew this, she remembers how the share price of YG drops a little bit every time a mass amount of online hate abuse appears on the internet. She didn't want to to happen to the club, she was doing this as a friend and on top of that she was doing this as the president of the football club, trying to protect the reputation and shut out all the hate comments. 

"My suggestion is to not care about what the online haters say, don't let it affect your mindset. I'm sure you are doing great for the club" Rosé said cheering you up.

"Yeah thanks" you responded.

"Just so you know, if you ever want anyone to talk to just speak to me. I'm sure you know by now that I'm more than just your stress reliever" Rosé said stressing on the word reliever.

"Speaking of that......" you smirked.

"Later, my house" Rosé said as she rubbed her feet up and down your legs underneath the table.

Once you both finished your coffees, you hopped back into Rosé's car as she drove off back to her house to continue your day together.

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