Chapter 11 | Opportunity Of A Lifetime

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It wasn't a secret that the more games you played in South Korea, the more the media hyped you up. You were enjoying playing under the spotlight. However, what you didn't know that your recognition was not only in South Korea. Some European teams were noticing you as well. One thing you never knew was that the Athletic Club Bilbao's scouts came to your last game and you left a positive mark in their minds. 

Even with the spotlight being under you, you continued your life as a Suwon Samsung Bluewings player playing in K.LEAGUE, nothing has changed. Your status hasn't changed, you don't get to skip training. Life was pretty much the same but everywhere you go you see news articles about you in the sports section. You continued training with your team, and just did your normal life. You never liked training, especially when the training does not involve football, but that's life. Sometimes you need to do things you don't like to achieve your dreams. Right now, your dreams is to make the breakthrough to European football.

It was looking like the dream was getting closer to you, only without yourself knowing......

The truth was, Athletic Bilbao were interested in you, they even put a bid in for you and were currently in negotiations with Suwon Samsung Bluewings regarding the deal. This was all happening behind closed doors, nobody in the club apart from the parties involved knew about this bid. You certainly did not know about it. Someone was going to have to break the news to you, someone was going to have to tell you about it before this leaks to the press and goes public.

Behind The Scenes Zoom Call

"Hello Lee, thank you for taking time to meet us today"

"No worries Mister Gonzalez. What is it you would like to discuss today?"

"Let me cut straight to the point, we're interested in your young star player Y/N. Hopefully by the end of this call we could be able to sort out the deal"

"Sure, we'll be willing to listen to any of his offers"

"Initially, our offer stands at 1.5 million Euros plus a 20% sell on clause. How do you think about that?"

"That's fair, but we think Y/N is worth a little bit more. How about 2 million Euros with 15% sell on clause and potentially a loan back clause where Y/N could be loaned back with us until the end of this K.LEAGUE season"

"The 2 million Euros with 15% sell on clause is acceptable. However, we feel that Y/N would be better off training with our first team. It's the best for his development right now we feel like so we could accept your counter offer without the loan back clause"

"Sure, it wasn't what we were hoping for but we will take the 2 million Euro up front fee and 15% sell on clause. Looks like we have a deal"

"Yeah, pleasure meeting you Mister Gonzalez. You are free to approach Y/N and get the paperwork sorted"

All this was happening without you noticing. You did not know Athletic Bilbao were trying to bring you into their club. After training you were flagged down by your manager to telling you to meet him. You didn't know what this was about but apparently the manager said it was to discuss your future at the club.

It was never nice to hear that the club wanted to discuss your future. Usually, when a club said they need to discuss a player's future at the club, it means that they are either getting released due to being surplus for requirements. However, with the form you were in right now that could never possibly happen. You were extremely nervous about this situation but nevertheless after training you went to meet the manager and see what he wanted to discuss.

Knock Knock

"Come in" the manager Lee Byung Keun said as you knocked on his office door.

"Hiya gaffer you wanted to see me?" you asked

"Yes, Y/N please take a seat" the manager said as he pointed to the seat opposite to him on the other side of his desk. You sat down, a little bit nervous.

"Right listen. I know you have been playing very nice football here and you're probably enjoying football right now. But I think you'll enjoy it somewhere else. I'm not even going to sugar coat it, but we've accepted a bid for you to move to La Liga side Athletic Bilbao and they will sort everything for you. I think your flight for a medical at Spain leaves tomorrow" Lee Byung Keun continued.

"Oh, thank god" you gave a sigh of relieve "I thought I was getting my contract terminated" you joked.

"Listen Y/N, you're a good player and I tried my best to keep you here until the end of the season but things just didn't work out. This is a very good opportunity for you, especially at this age to move away to La Liga. Go show the world what our academy could produce" the manager said as you left the room.

You were both excited and disappointed at this stage. You didn't know what to expect at Athletic Bilbao and you were certainly enjoying your football here in South Korea. You weren't really sure about if leaving for Spain is the correct choice or not but as the manager said this was a very good opportunity for you to showcase what you could do to the world. This was your ticket to get into the World Cup squad with South Korea. However, despite all the positives, you have been with Suwon Samsung Bluewings since you were a kid, it was your hometown, your hometown club and you didn't want to leave.

After a lot of debating, you realised that this was your dream. Playing in the European football stage is what you dreamt of since you started playing football. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for you, your breakthrough moment. Sure it was going to take a lot of hard work, but you have already laid a lot of hard work and effort into getting here. You need to go, and therefore with your mind set you started packing and preparing for the next stage of your career. This is going to be a big change for you.

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