Chapter 36 | It's For The Best

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Just like that, you were a free agent. After the chat with Ernesto Valverde finished, you went back down to the training pitch to participate in your final training with the team and bid your goodbyes. Everyone in the team understood the reason you made this decision and took this risk. It was for the benefit for your career, with nothing holding you back now, you will be hopefully be able to find a new club that plays at a high level and finally reach your potential in football. It was a shame that Athletic Club Bilbao was to lose a talent such as you, but like everyone said, it was for the best for you.

However, whilst almost everyone in the club know about your new situation, there was still one person who probably didn't know yet. 


She is still yet to know that you have made this decision and you need to find a way to tell her. You decided the best way to do it was through face to face. With that, you walked upstairs to her office hoping that she would be there. 

Knock Knock

"Come in" Rosé said.

As you entered, Rosé was surprised that it was you. Like Ernesto Valverde earlier, she wasn't expecting you to be here as well.

"Y/N? I thought you have been told that you shouldn't come to training. I was going to visit you later to see if you were ok" Rosé said as she saw you entering your room.

"Listen, Rosé. I have something I wanted to tell you" you said as the atmosphere in the room changed immediately.

Despite Rosé always being cheerful, what you just said has completely changed the atmosphere of the room into a very serious one. Rosé can feel it, you can feel it. There was tension in the room. It feels serious.

"Oh god, what is it?" Rosé asked feeling something bad is about to happen.

"Well, I just wanted to say goodbye. Like a goodbye goodbye, I'm no longer a player at the club that's all" you said.

There weren't much you could say at that point, it was pretty simple. You need to tell Rosé face to face that you were no longer a player at her club.

However, that simple sentence has caused Rosé's heart to drop. She didn't know how to react. She never saw this day coming, after all she was the only one who thought you were doing well here and was the one fighting for you and helping you get the best opportunity here to reach your potential in football. She never thought you would leave the club this soon. She was shocked, this was the last thing that she saw coming from you.

"Why Y/N? Why are you leaving? You are doing so well here" Rosé asked pouting, trying to see if you could change your mind to make you stay.

"Why Y/N? Why are you leaving? You are doing so well here" Rosé asked pouting, trying to see if you could change your mind to make you stay

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At that point, your heart melted. Her pout did make your heart go soft and think about briefly if this was a good idea after all. However, those thoughts were quickly wiped away.

"Sorry Rosé, I've made my mind up. It's for the best" you responded.

Nothing at this point can make you stay. Not even Rosé herself, your mind was made up. As much as you wanted to see Rosé everyday before and after training, there is something more than just being able to see her during training. You are still young, your football career has just started and at this point of your career, football is more important that seeing a pretty girl before and after training everyday.

"Well, I guess if your mind is made up. There's nothing I can do. Why don't you come over tonight and we can talk about it a little bit more" Rosé asked.

You knew this was going to come, Rosé asking you to go back to her place. It was the last thing you wanted right now because you know she have the power to make you take back a decision you just made. However, you also can't deny this offer. Reluctantly, you followed your heart and most importantly followed Rosé home......

The Next Morning

Waking up the next morning, you rolled over to the other side of the bed and was met by Rosé who was already awake. 

"Oh Y/N, good morning. You're awake" Rosé greeted you cutely.

Once again, your heart melted. But then once again, you brought your mind back to football so you don't end up dwelling about Rosé and thinking about her. It was difficult having her right next to you in bed. After all, how many guys have the opportunity to share a bed with BLACKPINK's Rosé. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. But no matter how hard Rosé tried, she is not going to change your mind.

"Good morning Rosé" you responded with a smile.

"So, did last night change your mind" Rosé asked with a little bit of a smirk.

"Sorry Rosé, my mind is made up. Nothing can change my mind" you said.

"But why, I still don't understand" Rosé asked.

"Well there's a number of reasons......" you started to explain to Rosé your though process.

It was true, not having the opportunity was the main reason that you have decided to leave. However, there were other reasons too. The fans hating was one of the reasons and the other reason was Rosé. You loved her too much to stay here and let people talk about the relationship between you two. Now that you have gone, the reports will die down and people will have less dirt to find out about you and Rosé.

"Rosé I'm sorry, it had to come to this, I love you, I really do. But we are just not meant to be together. I promise that if things work out and I end up playing football in Spain again we can be together then" you said to Rosé.

"Well I guess this is it? This is goodbye then Y/N" Rosé said sobbing a little bit.

"I'm afraid it is" you responded as you got out of bed put back on your clothes and headed towards the door.

Once you both bid your goodbyes, you drove home and Rosé closed the door and walked back into her house. Both of you didn't want to end it like this, you certainly didn't want to confess your feelings to Rosé like this, but sometimes things turns out like this. Like you said, it was for the best. Not only for you, but for Rosé as well. 

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