Chapter 3 | Familiar Badge

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The Next Morning

It was 7am and Alice who was truth to her words is already prepared to go on a morning run. However, her sister Rosé was still in bed, heavily asleep. Rosé was never a morning person and Alice know it very well, she is going to have to use every trick up her book if she wants to get her sister on a morning run and fix her.

"Hey wake up you sleepyhead, it's 7am already" Alice opened the door and said.

However, Rosé did not respond.

"Come on, wake up. It's such a nice day, beautiful morning to go for a jog and breathe some fresh air" Alice said again, still trying to wake Rosé up and persevering on using the gentle approach.

Once again, Alice was left with no response.

Rosé was really testing her sister's patience here, and it wasn't a game that Rosé wanted to be a part of. Alice was running out of time and patience, she needs to go to work. With Rosé being as lazy as ever, this left Alice with no choice but to select violence...... well violence that Alice would resort to.

Alice went to the balcony, picked up the water spray and then stormed into her sister's room and immediately sprayed ice cold water onto the sleeping Rosé's face.

Almost without any delay, the younger girl woke up with a shock and a wet face and starting whining.

"YAAAAAAAAAAA, WAEEEEEEEE? WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" Rosé opened her eyes and immediately started complaining, not happy at what her sister just did to her.

"It's 7am and me and you are going out for a run" Alice said with an impatient tone.

"It's too early. Can we go later, maybe like 11am or never?" Rosé complained.

"No we are going now, you need to start being more of an outdoor girl and stop hiding from civilisation. Plus the fresh morning air will make you feel better" Alice stated as she dragged her younger sister out of bed.

Reluctantly, Rosé obeyed her older sister and got out of bed. Very soon she managed to get changed into her running outfit, obviously very slowly, testing the limit of Alice's patience. Nonetheless, very soon and pretty much falling very far behind schedule, the two girls finally got out of the house in their jogging gear for their morning run.

Because the two girls fell behind schedule, they arrived to the park later than Alice would normally go which meant that the park was a little bit crowded compared to normal

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Because the two girls fell behind schedule, they arrived to the park later than Alice would normally go which meant that the park was a little bit crowded compared to normal. Nevertheless, this didn't stop Alice from completing her morning routine as she wasted no time to start her jog.

Knowing her younger sister's competitiveness, Alice said "catch me if you can" and ran off in the distance.

This triggered, Rosé somehow also found herself to start running and running after her older sister Alice. Whilst Alice was in great fitness, thinking that she would leave her younger sister for dust as she continued to do her own morning jog routine. However, Rosé was no slouch, her idol training and all the dancing she has been doing during her idol career meant that Rosé's fitness wasn't that bad and she was able to keep up with her much more athletic older sister as they both jogged around the park.

During the run, Rosé discovered something. She realised she was no longer tired and in fact enjoying this morning run thing. She started to look around and realised that many people were in the park enjoying such a lovely morning. She didn't know if it was the fresh air or the fact that she was just being active, as if something has just clicked she realised she has finally cleared her mind about her current situation.

Looking around, Rosé saw a lot of people in the park, enjoying their own respective activities, whether it was playing frisbee or throwing a ball. People were just enjoying the morning and enjoying the fresh air. Seeing all these people having hobbies and enjoying their respective hobbies, Rosé started thinking about herself.

That moment, Rosé thought to herself "I need a hobby, a hobby that will keep me busy and keep me active"

Soon Rosé started to scan around the park whilst on her jog to see what kind of activity she would gain interest in. However, she finds none of the activity interesting. Whilst on her jog, Rosé spotted a guy running towards her. Surprisingly, it wasn't the boy that Rosé was interested in but the logo on his shirt that Rosé found interesting.

The logo on this guys shirt wasn't like what the other joggers in the park are wearing, it was different and unique which is why it caught Rosé's attention

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The logo on this guys shirt wasn't like what the other joggers in the park are wearing, it was different and unique which is why it caught Rosé's attention. However, this was not the first time Rosé had seen this logo, she know she has definitely saw this logo before but she couldn't remember when and where.

With that Rosé stopped on her tracks trying to figure out what that logo was. It wasn't Adidas or Nike like everyone else was wearing, she tried her best to think where she saw that logo before and started to space out during the process.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Rosé was snapped back into reality by her older sister Alice who seemed to be finishing up her morning run.

"Hey, I knew you couldn't keep up with me for the whole morning" Alice said "Come on, I'm done with my morning jog, let's go home and shower so we could get some breakfast" Alice continued whilst wiping the sweat.

The two girls went back to their shared apartment following the end of their morning run. After a shower and breakfast, Alice left her younger sister and headed to work and left Rosé alone in the apartment.

Rosé had never woke up this early before and soon found herself with the whole day ahead of her. However, because of the morning run she has just completed she just couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard she tried. With nothing else to do, Rosé decided to switch on the TV to see if there's anything interesting on right now.

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