Chapter 4 | Spark Of Interest

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After the run, Rosé was exhausted. It has been a long time since she has done such a high amount of cardio exercises and she needed a rest. Therefore, she parked herself on the sofa in front of the TV and prepared a whole day of watching TV and doing nothing. Because it was still relatively early in the morning, there was nothing good on TV right now so Rosé just kept changing the channels to see if there is anything interesting on any of the channels or at least something that she could watch.

Few minutes on clicking and changing channels, Rosé had given up. TV shows this early in the morning are all either cartoons for children or health shows for old people. She decided to just leave it on the news channel so there are some noise inside the quiet apartment. That way she could go on her phone whilst also keeping up with what's happening in the world right now. In all honesty, Rosé wasn't really that bothered about what was happening around the world, but it was still nice to be aware and know that there is literally nothing going on with the world right now.

"Ugh not on TV shows are boring in the morning, but even the news headlines are boring" Rosé said to herself as she watched on.

Soon without noticing, the sports segment of the news is coming up. Because it was a Wednesday there were quite a few stories to report, most importantly the Real Madrid comeback against Manchester City in the Champions League semi finals being the main story of the sports segment. It was a really wild game with a 4 goal thriller that caught everyone's attention and the sports reporter was certainly excited to report about it.

"The big news from the sports segment today is that Real Madrid has came back from an unlikely 5-3 aggregate to qualify for the Champions League final" the reporter started. Unconsciously, Rosé started paying attention as the sports reporter reported the game highlights passionately. "With literally seconds on the clock remaining, youngster Rodrygo scored 2 quick goals to put Real Madrid back into the tie and sending the game to extra time before star striker Karim Benzema finished the tie off with a penalty following a Ruben Dias foul in the 5th minute of extra time" 

With a stunning game like this, it caught Rosé's attention. The girl who had never sparked any interest in sports at all now found herself hooked to the highlights of the game being shown on TV. The passage of plays, the goals, the pace of the game the passion from the fans when Karin Benzema scored the late winner was what caught Rosé's attention. She didn't know anything about football at all, but now she found herself wanting to know more about the sport. 

With this new found interest in the sport, Rosé started to Google up stuff about football. Mostly about European football given that European football was the most that came up on Rosé's search feed when she typed football into the search box. 

However, there were more to football than just the game that attracted Rosé. The players itself also attracted Rosé, especially this guy named Cristiano Ronaldo. Good looking was a too weak of an adjective to describe Cristiano Ronaldo, he is what every girls dream of and Rosé was no different. The more she searched about football, the more she was interested in the sport. 

"Football is kind of interesting, maybe this could be my new hobby" Rosé thought to herself.

Continuing her search, Rosé decided that she should also learn more about Korean football as a start. Excited about this new found interest for the sport, Rosé decided that she wanted to go to a football game nearby and hence purchased a ticket to watch FC Seoul's upcoming game at the Seoul World Cup Stadium. 

The rest of the day flew by for Rosé as she was either reading about football on the internet or watching clips of football games on her laptop. Very soon, her sister Alice returned from work and found Rosé sat on the sofa with her laptop. 

"Hey Rosie, I'm back from work. How was your day?" Alice greeted her younger sister as she stepped into the apartment.

"Sis, come watch this thing. It's this football game and it is very exciting" an excited Rosé said.

"Football huh? I didn't know you liked football" Alice asked.

"Neither did I, I watched a clip from the news this morning and thought it was very exciting" Rosé replied.

"At least you've found a new hobby" Alice said as she walked away to take a shower after a long day at work.

Obviously Alice still wasn't very happy about coming back home finding Rosé sat on the sofa on her laptop once again. However, seeing her sister gaining interest in football and finding a new hobby has made Alice slightly relieved. She saw the excitement in her sister's eyes about football and this could be a sign that the lazy Rosé was gone. The upbeat and active Rosé is back and that was all Alice wanted from her sister.

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