Chapter 10 | Breakthrough Prospect

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It wasn't an easy assignment, but whatever the board has ordered the scouts had to do it. With that, the scouting team was sent to a place that they have never visited before. South Korea. Never in history Athletic Club Bilbao has had a player come from Asia, this will be the first time where the scouts look for an Asian player. It was truly something new, something that nobody expected.

Last time Athletic Club Bilbao had a foreign player was Aymeric Laporte, and even with his Basque descent, he wasn't received well by the fans. This time looking for a South Korean player to sign is definitely going to cause chaos within the fanbase. 

Despite the K.LEAGUE being a relatively low standard league and South Korea not having the best of footballing talents, there has been some good players who managed to break out of the South Korean footballing system and join foreign clubs. Most noticeably Heung Min Son and Kang In Lee. 

If there was one thing that the Athletic Club Bilbao scouts are good at doing, it is finding young talents and wonder kid. These scouts have been bringing in talents from all around the Basque Country into the club because of the nature of the club, and most of those players that they have brought in have had success in La Liga, most noticeably Unai Simon, Inaki Williams and Nico Williams. If they could do this in the Basque Country, they could easily spot prospects and talents in South Korea.

With this the scouting team set out to South Korea, determined to find the best of the best prospects and talents they could find in the K.LEAGUE. It wasn't something that they wanted to do but if that is what the board wanted, they will have to do their best to avoid being made redundant.

The scouts worked hard and long, watching every K.LEAGUE game they could to see if they could find any players who were first team ready for La Liga. It was difficult, because the standard of football over here in South Korea is very low. They were very close to giving up on this scouting mission. There was one more game to watch, two more teams that they are yet to scout. 

Suwon Samsung Bluewings vs Ulsan Hyundai FC.

This was a game worth scouting. Obviously many have heard about the South Korean wonder kid Y/N before, and these scouts are the same. However, it is the first time that they will watch Y/N in action. 

17th Minute

As the scouts watched on the game, they made sure to keep a close eye on this new Y/N kid. He was quite good, confident on the ball and likes to beat the opponent. It seems like with his skill, he could be deployed as either a winger or a central attacking midfielder, which is what Suwon Samsung Bluewings are using him as right now. The scouts were very impressed with what they saw from Y/N in the first 20 minutes of the game. Loads of potential, confidence and maybe just with the right types of training he might be able to be the next Heung Min Son.

38th Minute

The game approached the end of the first half, it was safe to say that the Athletic Club Bilbao scouts were pretty impressed with how Y/N was playing so far in the first half. It wasn't the best of halves because the score was still stuck a stalemate. But the energy that Y/N brought in the final third was what made the scouts impressed. They were all taking down notes and stuff already talking about what Y/N needs to improve and what he was good at, fitting Y/N into the plans of the current club tactics. It was a good sign.

Suwon Samsung Bluewings 0-0 Ulsan Hyundai FC

Second Half

Second half went under way and Suwon Samsung Bluewings seems to have changed their tactics up a little bit. Moving Y/N up into a false 9 role. This was a good thing for the scouts as they could do some further scouting of Y/N to see if he's capable to play in this more advanced role. Y/N's versatility is definitely something that the scouts like a lot. The fact that he could play in almost any position up front is a plus to have on the bench.

64th Minute

Game was still at stalemate, it was looking like this game was going to be a 0-0. Solid defensive from Ulsan Hyundai but also decent attacking freedom and threat for Suwon Samsung Bluewings. Jo Hyun Woo was just too good at protecting his goal. Even if Y/N was linking up with the other attackers, the goals just didn't seem like it would come. However, Suwon Samsung Bluewings are on the attack once again. It looks like every attack has to go through Y/N at some point and this was no different.

Dave Bulthuis plays out from the back and passes the ball towards midfielder Elvis Saric. Elvis Saric carries the ball forwards a little bit and with Y/N in space down the middle, Elvis Saric passes it to Y/N and Y/N carries the ball forward towards the final third. Using his skill and technical ability to beat a few Ulsan Hyundai defenders in the process. Once again showing how Y/N was confident on the ball, he definitely is a player who knows what he's doing. On the edge of the box, Y/N prepared for the shot. 

Except it wasn't a shot, Y/N lifted the ball upwards and floats a cross into the box aiming towards Sebastian Grønning who was marked tightly by centre back Won Du Jae. Ball goes in, and Grønning couldn't do much because Won Du Jae was all over him. However, the shot that came out as a cross seemed to have surprised everyone in the box as Won Du Jae panicked and jumped up to head the ball later. Flicking it into the back post and looping over the goalkeeper as the stadium cheered as Suwon Samsung Bluewings finally broke the deadlock. 

Suwon Samsung Bluewings 1-0 Ulsan Hyundai FC

Full Time

It was a successful scouting trip for scouts. Y/N really lived up to the expectations of the scouting team. A creative confident attacking player is what they needed. He could be a potential, he could be something big. With K.LEAGUE not being a big league as well, they assumed that Y/N would be able to join for a low fee which is always a benefit for club finances. As the scouts flew back to Spain with everything they need to know about Y/N prepared to tell the club to sort out a transfer deal for this South Korean attacking prospect.

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