Chapter 37 | Two Months Later

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Two Months Later

It has been two months since you terminated your contract with Athletic Club Bilbao. You have moved everything out of Bilbao and moved into a small apartment on the outskirts of Madrid. Initially you have decided to stay in Spain to see if you could find a new opportunity or a La Liga club that would allow you to train with them until the end of the season. However, so far you have no luck. 

For the past month, you have just been going to the gym trying to keep your fitness level to the highest. Nobody knows where you are, ever since you terminated your contract with Athletic Club Bilbao, it was like you have vanished from the world. You shut down your social media, and blocked almost everyone who tried to contact you. Even your parents back in South Korea can't contact you. The only times you were online was to check emails to see if you have been approached by any teams. However, it seems like your career here in Spain is coming to a dead end.

"Guess I'll have to go back to South Korean then" you whispered to yourself.

That was the last option. You didn't want to go back. It was very difficult to jump out of South Korean football and break into European football. However, you were running out of time, running out of money. It looks like this opportunity has came to the end and you had to go back to Seoul to live with your parents. 

If you keep this up, you will end up being a young dumb and broke footballer.

With that in mind, you booked the next flight you found from Madrid to Seoul, quickly packed everything and headed towards the airport and prepared yourself for your big return back to South Korea.

15 Hours Later

After a very long flight, you finally arrived at Seoul Incheon. You were finally back, back where it all began. It seems like not long ago you were stood in this airport, bidding goodbye to family and friends, about to embark on your journey and taste European football. Now you find yourself back here, like a failure, failing to make a mark in European football. 

"Life really comes fast doesn't it" you thought to yourself.

Despite your struggles at Athletic Club Bilbao, some of the people in the airport still recognised you and asked for your autograph. However, you were in no mood to do any fan service with how things turned out, you were too ashamed of yourself to take photos with fans. With that you headed straight to the taxis and decided to head home for good.

"Y/N my darling you're back, how was Spain?" your mum greeted you at the front door as you arrived back home for the first time since leaving for Bilbao.

"I'm good mum, tired can I rest" you responded yawning.

Once you entered the house, you saw your dad sat on the sofa, you briefly said hi to him and headed straight into your room. 

As you entered your room, you stared directly into the thing that was in front of you

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As you entered your room, you stared directly into the thing that was in front of you. The Heung Min Son poster hanging above your wall. All the memories came back from when you were small. You have always loved playing football since a little kid, and it was your dream to play in the European top flight, to be like Heung Min Son and bring glory to the South Korean badge. Who would have known that you would be such a failure in football. 

From once being called as the "next big thing" to come out of South Korea, media describing you as the "South Korean Wonder Kid" to now being a flop and a free agent after an unsuccessful spell at Athletic Club Bilbao, you were now starting to think about your footballing career if you could call it a career.

"Still thinking you are a failure?"

You heard someone at the door speaking. As you turned over, it was your dad.

"N-n-n, yes look at me dad. I went from being a wonder kid to now a free agent that nobody wants" you responded.

"I just came here to show you this from when you gone missing last month" your dad said as he put down an article from the newspaper.

"I just came here to show you this from when you gone missing last month" your dad said as he put down an article from the newspaper

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You slowly read the article. It was frustrating, another article about how you have been released by Athletic Club Bilbao after failing to perform and suggesting that your footballing career is going to end because you have been a free agent for months. It was depressing to read, you wanted to tear this article into pieces and never see it again. However, before you could do it, your dad stopped you.

"I wanted to show you this and say, whatever people say about you is their problem. I know they all say that you are a failure and you should be ashamed to be called South Korean, but deep down we both know you aren't. Think about it, how many South Koreans your age get to play professional football in La Liga? You had the opportunity to play in Europe's top flight and one of the best leagues in the world, you should be happy that you got that opportunity" your dad told you.

"One last thing, if you find the Y/N that enjoys football then everything will turn out fine" your dad added before leaving your room.

Your dad was right, not many people your age have the opportunity to play football professionally, let alone fly to Spain and play professionally at their top flight. It was a one in a million lifetime opportunity. And the fact that Athletic Club Bilbao gave you the chance to play for them means that they saw something in you. If their scouts saw potential in you, then other scouts will see potential in you. All you can do now is to continue to keep your shape, make sure you don't lose fitness and keep a positive attitude. Something good will eventually happen.

"Heung Min Son, I promise, one day we'll play together in the World Cup representing South Korea" you said looking at the poster on your wall.


And that's the end of Pais Vasco. Thank you very much for your support. As of now we have around 18k reads and over 500 votes. Your support for this book has truly been immense, even with the unannounced hiatus I took from the back end of last year until earlier of this year. 

I know this isn't the ending that anyone wanted, but not all books can have happy endings. Also I just wanted to use this book to transfer a message to everyone. 

"Football is a cruel world, whilst everyone can kick a ball around, not everyone have the opportunity to play the game, all you can do is to enjoy football. If you can enjoy kicking a ball around then you will be able to find the fun in football"

Hopefully, you guys have enjoyed this book. If you did enjoyed this book, then do go check out my other books. Like always, this isn't a goodbye. Just because this book has finished doesn't mean I am going to stop writing, I already have another book planned so please follow me and stay tuned for the release of my other books. Join my discord server as well if you want to stay up to date with my new releases of books. Link is in my bio.

País Vasco - Rosé X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now