Chapter 22 | Do It Again

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The Next Morning

You woke up, not in your bed. You were in a bedroom that was almost the same size as your apartment and as you rolled over, you saw something that never in your lifetime you would have thought you would see.

 You were in a bedroom that was almost the same size as your apartment and as you rolled over, you saw something that never in your lifetime you would have thought you would see

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BLACKPINK's Rosé sleeping peacefully next to you in bed. You remembered what you and Rosé did last night and it was amazing. Let's just say your frustration and stress have been released after what happened between the two of you last night.

You tried to get out of bed as quietly as possible, hoping not to wake up Rosé who was sleeping peacefully next to you. As you were getting out of bed, Rosé felt the movement of the mattress and inevitably work opened her eyes to see what was happening.

"Hey, you're leaving?" Rosé asked you as she opened her eyes to see you getting out of bed and putting your clothes on.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" you responded as you pulled your pants up.

"Can we at least cuddle for a while?" Rosé asked.

You were surprised at the question that Rosé asked because you didn't know what relationship the two of you are currently in. Yes you just had sex with Rosé, and you didn't know how you ended up in this situation. After all she is your boss and what you had just done was sleep with your boss. You didn't know what you should do or how you should deal with it and now she is asking you go back to cuddle with her. You were confused as to what you should do, she was your boss after all but this was so wrong and you have a game to attend.

"I don't think I can, I've got to get back to the training ground for the away game at Seville" you declined her offer.

"Oh come on, the coach leaves at 9am, it's only 6:30am you can make it in no time" Rosé tried to persuaded you.

"Well, I guess there's some time I could spare" you gave in.

You hopped back onto bed with Rosé, it was a cold morning so you felt warmer and more comfortable under the sheets. It was nice to cuddle with someone in bed during such a cold morning, even with how messed up this situation is.

The truth was, it was not right. After all, Rosé is your boss and what you have just done was sleep with your boss. This was a thought that did not come to your thoughts when your were pleasuring her and releasing all your stress in bed last night. It was coming through your brain now, thinking about what you have just done. Despite nobody saying that it was wrong to sleep with your boss, it just felt wrong somehow. Now that you were cuddling with Rosé, it felt nice and warm but it also felt wrong at the same time. You were extremely confused about this.

"So Rosé, I just wanted to talk about what happened last night" you suddenly spoke up realising how messed up this situation that you are in was.

"What do you mean you want to talk about what happened? Did I not do well?" Rosé asked back teasing you a little bit.

"No you were great, it's just......" you replied but Rosé cut you off.

"You were great too, I've never been pleasured like that before" Rosé said as she cut you off.

Yes it did felt great, but you just don't feel like sleeping a boss is something that you should be doing.

"It's just you are my boss and the president of the football club whilst I'm a player, it just feels a bit wrong" you tried to explain "actually it feels so wrong" you confessed.

"That didn't seem to stop you last night though, the condom in the bin suggested you enjoyed it from what I saw" Rosé blatantly pointed out.

It was true, you didn't feel guilt or think that it was something you shouldn't do when you were doing it with Rosé last night. In fact you were enjoying it a lot last night as Rosé pointed out. She had caught you there, there were no denying that you really enjoyed sleeping with Rosé. After all, how can one not enjoy sleeping with a pretty girl like her. You didn't really mind that you were doing this, but you keep thinking about what would the people think when the relationship between the two of you is leaked to the public. What would people say, the fans already hate the two of you and if they find out that you were sleeping with the president of the club, there will definitely be a lot of negative stories about your game time and Rosé. This was the last thing you wanted.

"So Rosé, what are we? Are we still employer and employee, friends, more than friends or what?" you asked Rosé.

"The real question is, what do you want us to be?" Rosé asked.

It was a trick question, you did like Rosé. But you didn't know if it was a celebrity crush or not, after all it was Rosé from BLACKPINK. One of the popular celebrity crush for men in South Korea. You also wanted to do this again, you definitely want to be more than friends with Rosé but you didn't know what she wanted and you didn't know if this is a relationship that you really wanted to embark on.

Rosé on the other hand, likes you. It was definitely not a celebrity crush because you weren't a celebrity. You were a handsome young athlete that is a person that she could click with and carries a hot body which she found out last night. She wanted to develop something with you and was only waiting for you to say it. However, you were not saying it.

"So do you want to do it again?" Rosé asked you catching you off guard.

"Ummm...... I need to go or else I'm going to miss the team bus to Seville" you said as you quickly put on your clothes and head for the door.

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