Chapter 33 | Out In The Open

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You decided to open Twitter to see what was going on with the world and the first thing you noticed was the featured hashtags. There were two featured hastags on your feed, the first one was your name and the second one was Rosé's name. It was very weird, you still have no idea what was going on, but you could probably guess what this will be about. After all, you and Rosé has always been the hot topic in the city of Bilbao ever since the two of you joined Athletic Club Bilbao and it doesn't take a genius to put everything together for a guess.

It was not going to pretty to look at, but you had to do so. You clicked on your trending hashtag to see what's the big news about yourself, and what you saw was something you never expected to see in a million years......

This was bad, like really bad

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This was bad, like really bad. Something you never want to happen has happened. Everyone now knows about your relationship with Rosé which isn't supposed to be a bad thing. However, because of the situation and the status of you both within the club, it has made it look bad on the outside. 

You walked into Rosé's bedroom and decided to show her the Tweet.

"Hey Rosie, you might want to have a look at this" you passed your phone to Rosé who was still in bed in her pyjamas, still looking as beautiful as ever.

"What do you want me to take a look at?" Rosé turned around to you and gave you a smirk.

"Look at this Tweet" you told Rosé as she grabbed your phone and looked at what was on your screen.

Rosé stared at your screen and read the Tweet to herself. After reading it, she was shocked, she can't react to what she just saw. The room was silent, nobody spoke up, Rosé was still trying to process what she just read.

"It's not good that" you finally spoke up, breaking the silence in the room

"So what do we do now?" Rosé asked you

"Well I don't know, I have training tomorrow and I feel like everyone in the team will be talking about that in training" you responded as you laid back down on the bed, joining Rosé on the bed.

The room was once again filled with silence, you and Rosé were speechless. Both of you were frustrated about your relationship being publicised. For you, you were frustrated about how people will think about you as a footballer and the real reason behind your transfer to Athletic Club Bilbao. However, Rosé was more annoyed about that even here in Spain, her actions were being followed closely and being posted onto social media. It was not good for the both of you and the two of you have a lot to think about your future together.

"Y/N, actually I have something to tell you" Rosé suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

You looked into Rosé's eyes, wondering what she had in mind.

"The truth is Y/N, I like you. These past few weeks, you have made me feel special and I think I am slowly falling in love with you" Rosé suddenly blurted out.

For the third time, the room was filled with silence. You didn't know how to respond. BLACKPINK's Rosé has just confessed her love for you, you never thought you would see this day.

If you were being honest, you liked Rosé as well, but you didn't know how to respond to her confession.

"Rosie, I like you too. But are you sure this is the right time?" you asked.

You do like Rosé, despite it started as a stress reliever for the two of you, you started slowly to grow feelings for her. However, you were unsure if you could reciprocate Rose's confession. After all, there was already enough stuff being spoken about yourself and Rosé, the last thing the public need is more information about your relationship between yourself and Rosé.

"I mean, everyone now thinks that we're an official couple anyway, why not just accept the fact that we have feelings for each other and become an official couple" Rosé responded.

"Are you sure that the public need more information about our relationship? I mean I really do like you Rosie, but I also enjoy what we have at the moment, hiding our relationship from everyone" you explained.

"I don't care what the people on the outside say" Rosé reinstated as she leaned in to kiss you on the lips.

The kiss was passionate, it was not like your previous make out session that you had when you were just friends with benefits. It was filled with love and passion, you both just closed your eyes and enjoyed each other's lips. 

After a while, Rosé pulled out from the kiss.

"I love you Y/N, I really do and I don't care about what everyone says. I just want to be with you" Rosé confessed her love to you once again.

The truth is, you love Rosé too. But there was something that was just stopping you from reciprocating to her confession, you don't know what it was but there was just something that was refraining you from accepting Rosé's confession towards you. You enjoyed spending time with Rosé, you enjoyed your sessions with her, you wanted to be in a relationship with her but you just feel like you can't be in a relationship with her.

"I know Rosé, but......" you struggle to make a reply "I'm going to go back home, I'll see you at the training ground tomorrow" you suddenly said.

After that, you got dressed and left Rosé's place. You didn't know what made you do that, despite one part of it told you it was the wrong decision, you still tricked yourself into thinking that leaving was the only way to solve this problem. 

Now that everything was out in the open, training is going to be very awkward tomorrow......

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