Chapter 15 | Protestas

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After the Mallorca game, you continued on your decent form into the next few games. Not surprisingly, Athletic Club Bilbao continued to win their games. However, what was surprising was the protests continued to increase. It started from a social media protest, but then it turned into stadium protests where fans would start throwing things into the pitch at home games, leaving the stadium early. Most of the games you have played so far was at a half empty stadium because fans are unwilling to watch the games as a gesture to show their discontent towards the club. It was starting to get serious, and the club needs to solve this problem quickly.

With the situation getting more and more serious, you were also starting to notice that this protest was about you. It was about you not being from the Basque country, and the fact that your arrival has broken the 110 year tradition of Athletic Club Bilbao only signing players from the Basque Country. You have came to realise that no matter what you do on the pitch, it will not solve the displeasure from the fans for the short term. However, all you could do now is to continue putting in good performances hoping the fans would change their minds.

Today was your day off, no training no schedules. It was the day that you could finally explore the city of Bilbao yourself. Believe it or not, you have been living in this area for a while already but you never had the chance to go around and explore the city. With no training at all, you had your mind set to do some sightseeing around the city. You ordered a Cabify and got changed into your casual clothing and minutes later the Uber you ordered arrived outside your house.

"Hola, is it Y/N?" the Cabify driver asked as you got into the car

"Yeah, can you take me to Plaza de Don Federico Moyúa please" you asked the driver.

"Si, no hay problemo" the driver responded "pero...... there's some events in the city centre so I don't know if we could get there easily" the driver continued telling you the situation.

"It's ok, just see how close you can get and drop me somewhere near the city centre" you told the driver to drive.

On the way towards the city centre, you already saw a lot people walking on the streets holding signs. You didn't know what this about but you assumed it was the events that will be happening in the city centre like the driver said. However, the more you looked at the people, you realised they were all holding a sign......

 However, the more you looked at the people, you realised they were all holding a sign

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Some of them were carrying a flag on them as well......

"Must be some independency protest regarding the Basque Country" the driver said

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"Must be some independency protest regarding the Basque Country" the driver said.

Looking closer, you started to realise something else. Most of the people were wearing Athletic Bilbao shirts as well. You started to realise what this protest is about. It wasn't about independency of the Basque Country. It was about the football club, about you and most importantly about the football club breaking the tradition when they signed you. Suddenly as you were watching the protestor's in action, the car stopped.

"Amigo, they blocked the road into the city centre. Is it ok if I drop you off here?" the driver asked as the road was completely blocked off by protestors and police.

"Sorry, can you actually take me to Lezama. I have something urgent I need to do" you asked the driver.

"No hay problemo" the driver responded as he turned the car around and headed out of the city.

As you arrived at the Lezama Facilities, you jumped out of the car and ran into the offices. Ignoring everything that was happening around you, you went directly to the manager's office. Knocking on the door several times but still no response. Deciding to barge in, but before you managed to do so, some passer by spoke up.

"Are you looking for Señor Valverde? He's in the boss's office with Mikel in a meeting about something" the club staff who just passed by said.

"Gracias amigo" you shouted as you rushed towards the boss's room.

Once you arrived, you showed no intention to knock or ask the secretary if you are allowed in. You need to discuss this situation with the manager right now. However, the secretary managed to stop you just before you could barge into the room.

"You can't go in there" the secretary told you stopping you on your tracks.

"I need to speak to the manager now, it's very important" you said trying to force your way in but the secretary was having none of it.

"Señor Valverde is in there in a meeting with Miss Park and Señor Gonzalez, please can you sit here and wait" the secretary asked as she pointed towards the seat outside the room.

You disobeyed as you knock on the door and opened it without waiting to a response. The secretary chased you in causing everyone in the room to stare at the both of you.

"Gaffer, we need to talk about the something" you said.

"Sorry Miss Park, I tried my best to stop him from coming in" the secretary said with her head down feeling guilty that she couldn't stop you.

"It's ok, let him in you can go back out first. We were actually talking about him, please Y/N have a seat" Rosé said as the secretary walked out the door.

You sat down, trying to catch your breath. It was a tense moment, you were sat with all the decision makers of the club. You didn't really know what to do right now now that you were with them. The room was filled with silence before the manager spoke up.

"Y/N, what was it that you need to speak to me about?" Ernesto Valverde asked as he broke the silence.

You inhaled a deep breath and said "There's a massive protest in the city centre about the club. It is about me joining the club and me playing for the club. I don't think the fans like me at all" you blurted out.

"And......?" Ernesto Valverde asked.

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