Chapter 25 | Team Meeting

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Following the meeting with club president Rosé, Ernesto Valverde was facing a lot of pressure and a lot of uncertainty regarding his job as manager of Athletic Club Bilbao. He was facing the sack and Rosé made it very clear that she wanted to see changes in the results of the club. If things don't change soon, Ernesto Valverde would be unemployed. It was not easy for Ernesto Valverde right now, especially with the dressing morale being low following the results that the team was getting. The spirit in the team was going down in a downward spiral with no signs of improving in the near future. If the team spirits doesn't rise in the near future, the club will just suffer from more poor results. 

There was no other thing Ernesto Valverde could think of to solve this problem, he needs to get underneath the problem as soon as possible and that means calling a team meeting. This would hopefully get the team together and see if the meeting could lift the spirits. Hoping that the problems within the team and players would be discussed and solved. It was the only option now for Ernesto Valverde to stop this problem within the squad deteriorating.

After the next training session, Ernesto Valverde decided that it there was no time to waste and that this would be the perfect time to host a team meeting.

"Right boys, before we end training today I just wanted to call a quick team meeting to discuss something" Ernesto Valverde said to the squad after training.

The whole team gathered around Ernesto Valverde to see what was going on. It wasn't everyday that the manager calls a team meeting like this. In fact, for yourself, this was your first ever team meeting since you joined this club so you didn't really know what to expect.

"Nothing special to be fair, I promise that I'll be quick" Ernesto Valverde started.

"Anyways, it has come to my attention that you guys are having some concerns over the squad and my team selection. Now I understand that we didn't get the results we wanted in the previous run of games which is probably what caused the drop in team morale but I assure you guys that I will make changes and consider to your suggestions to improve the dressing room atmosphere and get the results we deserved on the pitch" Ernesto Valverde continued.

Silence, absolute silence. Nobody really know what to say because the whole squad was in deep thought about what Ernesto Valverde just said. There were problems within the dressing room, but it wasn't entirely on the team selection, it was more about Ernesto Valverde's option to not give you the game time and the opportunity to change the game. You knew this was a good opportunity to grab some playing time by speaking up, but you were still fresh meat so you decided to keep your mouth shut. Plus, team leader Raul Garcia already spoke up before you had a chance to say anything.

"Yeah, we all thought that Y/N should be deserving more game time" Raul Garcia spoke up.

"Really? I thought there was something else bothering you guys. Is this true, do you guys all think Y/N should have more game time?" Ernesto Valverde asked the whole squad.

The whole squad nodded as an answer to that question, all the players were on your side in this situation. They all know what you were capable of, even the manager himself knew what you were capable of. However, he just wouldn't back down because he doesn't want to cause any problems with the fanbase and put himself under pressure.

Suddenly another voice spoke up.

"I mean we all knew Y/N is capable of turning games around and giving us good results. We are aware that the fans doesn't like him at all, but I don't think the current team selection is working for us and if I had to pick between upsetting the fans because we are playing a non Basque player or upsetting the fans because we are not getting the results, I would pick the former" Iker Muniain backed the point up.

What Iker Muniain said could not be more true. Yes, the fans are not happy because the team broke the tradition of only using players trained within the Basque Country, but what the fans like to see more is their team getting results on the pitch. Currently, the team was not delivering the results to the fans which was a bit worrying.

"I mean if that is what you all think. I'll see what I can do to give Y/N more chances. It's not a guarantee, Y/N, you will still have to work hard in training and deliver the results on the pitch. You need to earn the starting spot" Ernesto Valverde said to the whole team promising that there will be changes to the lineup in the near future.

"If that's everything covered, then training is dismissed. If that's everything covered, I'll see you tomorrow in training" Ernesto Valverde said as he walked towards the parking lot.

After that meeting, you felt like you just won a war. It was a big wing in your fight for more game time. Finally, you are given the chance to show people what you are capable of and what you do best. You are very excited for what is coming up in your career, and you are sure that you will take this opportunity and make the best out of it. 

Obviously like Ernesto Valverde said, nothing is going to be given to you, you still have to earn it and for the next training sessions, you made sure to put 110% effort in training, making sure that you have earned yourself more chances on the pitch.

Whilst you were on the high of knowing that you will be given more game time and opportunities to prove yourself. Ernesto Valverde on the other hand was struggling and suffering from the pressure that Rosé was going to sack her if the team can't deliver the problem. This team meeting might solve the problem for the short term, but if the team still are unable to deliver the results then Ernesto Valverde would be out of a job. The pundits and the bookies are already revealing odds for the next Athletic Club Bilbao, it was something that a manager never wants to see or know about.

All he could do now is pray that the team talk worked and the team started to deliver the results that he needed to keep his job. The last thing Ernesto Valverde need right now is a squad that plays poorly deliberately and actively trying to get the manager sacked. Hopefully this team talk would have lifted the spirits and morale within the dressing room and hope Y/N would start helping the team turn losses to draws and draws to wins.

It seems like Ernesto Valverde's job security leaned heavily on if you could deliver in the upcoming matches or not.

País Vasco - Rosé X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now