Chapter 32 | Uh Oh

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You woke up the next morning with Rosé next to you in bed. Sometimes you just wonder, how did you get into this position. It wasn't the first time that you have been in this situation and you were pretty confident that it won't be the last. But every time you find yourself in this situation you still think it was hard to believe. Sleeping with BLACKPINK's Rosé. It was like heaven and she was the angel. You stared at her features, her beautiful face, pretty as ever even when she is asleep as you lightly stroked her hair whilst she was still asleep. Silently, you made downstairs to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast.

"Oh hey good morning, I've forgotten you stayed here last night" Rosé walked downstairs and saw you in the kitchen with her messy hair. She has clearly just woken up and came down after hearing noises and smelled food.

 She has clearly just woken up and came down after hearing noises and smelled food

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You stared at Rosé before giving her a peck on the cheeks. She was always so beautiful, even with her morning look. Messy hair, no makeup and in her pink pyjamas. You were slowly and steadily falling in love with her. How could you not, she was just perfect.

"So what are you doing in my kitchen stranger?" Rosé jokingly asked, stressing the stranger part to joke about your relationship.

"Just cooking some breakfast for my very good friend" you replied, joking about your relationship with Rosé as well.

"What's for breakfast?" Rosé asked, getting to the all important question. She loves food and it is important that the correct information gets passed to her.

"Nothing much, I saw some bacon and eggs in the fridge so I'm making bacon and eggs plus some toast. Is that good enough for my friend?" you gave her the response she wanted.

"I was hoping you would be breakfast but bacon eggs and toast is good enough, I'm starving" Rosé responded back to you jokingly.

It might be all jokes between the two of you, but the relationship is very complicated. To everyone in the club, you two were friends and nothing more. They didn't know what happens between you two behind the scenes, it was a secret and it should be kept that way. Like you said before, if the relationship between you and Rosé becomes public both of you would be dead. It will be the talk of the city for months and there will be consequences for the both of you.

However, what you didn't know was that one of Rosé's neighbours, Carlos is an ultra for the club, and he was very unhappy about the club's recent performances and especially the new South Korean ownership of the club plus the fact that the club broke the tradition of only signing Basque players by signing a South Korean footballer. 

Somehow in the middle of all this, Carlos stumbled upon something interesting the other day whilst he was just leaving his house.


Carlos was just heading out for his weekly grocery shop when he saw the gates and doors for the big mansion next to his was opened. He was surprised at this because those gates rarely opened. Carlos looked inside to see what was going on and what he saw was something he never thought he would see.

It was the club president of Athletic Club Bilbao talking with some guy who was stood outside his doorstep. He can't really see the guy that she was talking to at first, but shortly after he realised who the guy was. It was Y/N, the South Korean footballer that plays for Athletic Club Bilbao. 

Carlos wanted to start something immediately, but thought better. He decided to take some photos of you and Rosé to post it online and create some news that would shock everyone.

"This is going to shock everyone"  Carlos thought to himself as he took some photos before walking away to continue with his errands.

Flashback End

"...... aaaaand post. This new is going to shock the whole world. Let's see how you like that you South Korean slut. Get the f*** out of my club b****" Carlos said to himself as he posted the photos that he captured the other day regarding Y/N and Rosé.

With the news out there, it quickly became the talk of the city. Everyone within the Basque area that likes football was talking about this Tweet. It was getting a little bit out of control, and as time goes on, the news just reached more and more people. Somehow it was failing to reach you and Rosé for now. But with the speed that this news is passing around, it will soon reach you and Rosé. As times passed by, with more and more people knowing about this secret relationship, Rosé's and your image is deteriorating.

This piece of news has managed to break the internet. But with your social media notifications turned off, you were failing to recognise the talk of the city about you. However, this didn't stop your teammates and club staff from knowing what's going on behind the scenes between yourself and Rosé. The club group chat blew up with the whole team back chatting and wondering was your relationship with Rosé that earned you the transfer to Athletic Club Bilbao. Everyone had their opinion, and despite you have done enough to prove yourself that you are capable of playing in this level, it didn't stop the people inside and outside the club to wonder the real reason behind your mysterious transfer into Athletic Club Bilbao.

Suddenly, you heard your phone buzz. You checked it, there were 144 notifications on your "Do Not Disturb" focus, and one message from club captain Raul Garcia.

You didn't know what the 144 notifications were, and you certainly didn't know why Raul Garcia told you to check Twitter, but you did as told

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You didn't know what the 144 notifications were, and you certainly didn't know why Raul Garcia told you to check Twitter, but you did as told. You opened the Twitter app on your phone and......

You were shocked.

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