Chapter 7

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Kokoro was woken up by a large bounce on her bed, her brother had barged into her room and was spouting nonsense while she was groaning to the fact she was just woken up. Kokoro had spent so many nights awake and when she had finally drifted off to sleep, her brother woke her up.

"Five seconds." She stated while burying her head in her pillow. Her brother looked confused so Kokoro wanted to scare him deeper.

"You have five seconds to leave before I tell mom your deepest, darkest secrets." The telepath communicated into his mind.

"Jokes on you, I don't have any secrets." Her brother said in triumph.

"Remember that time where you licked all the flavour from the sweets and put them back in the packet, mom and dad ate them all." She threatened. Her brother instantly left the room without saying another word.

The mind reader tried to get back to sleep but her efforts proved fruitless, so she gave in and went downstairs to greet her family. She hadn't spoken to them since the morning and she could tell they were dying to ask her about the sports festival. In truth, the green haired girl was excited to tell them and boast about her victory, although she would never admit that. Kokoro walked into the living room and saw her father and brother watching tv while her mother cooked food. The telepath observed what they were watching and saw her face on the screen.

"Is that me?" The teen asked stunned.

"Koko, dear, congratulations on the sports festival. You made us all so proud." Her mother said, engulfing her in a hug. The telepath just stood there awkwardly, not being a fan of physical contact. "We saw you sleeping and decided not to wake you, after all, you've had a long day."

"Well, someone, didn't get the message." The telepath said while glaring daggers into her brothers head.

"I just wanted to know if you did it." He said, hinting to her goal of bring a hero.

"Hell yeah I did it. Did you see me out there, I was awesome." She bragged.

Her father soon turned towards her with a sudden aura around him. Kokoro read his thoughts.

'Who was that boy with my Koko, I'm going to kill all of those boys who hurt a hair on my baby's head. They will pay.'

"Who was that boy you were with Ko?" He interrogated. "You carried him across a field of bombs so he must be special."

"He's my friend Shinsou, we decided to team up because our quirks are similar." She answered.

"What's his quirk?" Her brother interrupted. "Is it evil like yours?" The last question sort of hurt Kokoro. She had spent her whole life trying to get people to stop thinking her quirk was villainous, only to hear that her family thinks the same thing.

"First of all, how can a quirk be evil? Second of all, why does his quirk matter, is it really that important?" She defended. The telepath didn't want to lash out on her family so she excused herself and went to get some fresh air. The teen was about to text Shinsou and tell him all the news, since she forgot to before she went to sleep, however, she received a call from her aunt.

The telepath quickly answered the phone and put it to her ear. "Sup aunt Tomoko." She greeted.

"Koko, hunny I saw the sports festival, congratulations." Ragdoll replied.

"Yeah, I managed to get into the hero course too, I'm going to start internships as soon as I get back."

"That's great, how would you like to intern with the wild wild pussy cats?"

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