Chapter 33

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"Bakugo! Todoroki! We need light." Shoji yelled, he was carrying Midoriya with him.

But the two boys didn't listen, they'd already received orders, as much as it pained them to see Tokoyami suffer, Hajime had her reasons. "Don't do it." She warned them.

Just as predicted, Dark Shadow refrained from hurting his classmates and went directly for the villain. The quirk took him down instantly, putting everyone around to shame. Even with Tokoyami's screams, the three had to wait until the villain was dealt with until they could finally help their classmate.

"Kachan!" Midoriya called out, looking worse than ever.

"We need some light now. He's out of control." Shoji demanded.

"He's attacking blindly, we need fire." Todoroki prepared, but was stopped by Bakugo.

"Not so fast. The elf has a point." Katsuki interrupted.

"Of course I do." Hajime rolled her eyes. "I'm a genius."

After being effortlessly pushed aside by dark shadow, the villain used his metallic teeth to lift itself. Then, it began muttering words of nonsense, not that he'd be able to for much longer.

"Flesh. Slabs of meat. No, can't allow it. I'm the one who gets to slice them open. Don't steal from me!" The psycho yelled and shot the blades towards Dark Shadow.

But instead of cutting him, the blades were insufficient. "You don't matter, insignificant bug." The quirk began to crush him and his blades.

"That's it, crush him." Bakugo muttered, cheering the quirk on. But after sending the villain hurling towards a tree, the quirk acted violently again.

"Not enough, it's not enough!" Dark Shadow demanded and decided Hajime would be its next victim. However, she was prepared.

"You got me?" She asked the boys.



After the confirmation, she froze dark shadow right before it managed to touch any of them. Next, the two boys used their light quirks to incapacitate Tokoyami.

"And once again, I'm a terrible match for you, bird boy." Bakugo gloated.

"Thanks, you saved me." The boy replied, not knowing the favour he'd done for the trio.

"Actually, we used you to save our asses and then we saved you." Hajime muttered, only a few of them hearing.

"We could barely defend against that guy, but you beat him instantly." Todoroki explained.

"My friend, are you okay?" Shoji asked Tokoyami. "You did what we needed you to."

"Shoji, I apologise. You too Midoriya. I'm far too immature, anger consumed me, and I let my quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury pushed dark shadow into a frenzy. Until, it got so strong I couldn't control it, and I ended up hurting Shoji."

"We'll deal with that later, that's what you'd say if our roles were reversed." Shoji responded, for some reason, Tokoyami was surprised by his friend's acceptance, causing Hajime to shed some sympathy.

"Besides, Bakugo's always angry and out of control. We're not gonna judge you just because you're following in his footsteps." Hajime joked, receiving a light nudge from Todoroki, maybe even a warning. "Sorry for trying to lighten the mood before I explain exactly what's going on here."

"Yeah, I found out why they're here. The villains are after you two. Kachan and Hajime." Midoriya revealed the obvious.

"Why, do they want to kill them?" Shoto wondered.

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