Chapter 19

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As soon as Hajime arrived in class, she was met with her excited classmates, each of them as happy as the other to be fighting robots. But the telepath knew otherwise, yet she was glad she wasn't fighting robots. One reason being that real heroes thought villains, robots were an extremely rare occurrence, not to mention the fact that most teachers wouldn't be able to use their quirks on robots either.

Suddenly, everyone's thoughts went silent, and Kokoro knew exactly who to blame. "I take it you know about the practical exam." Mr Aizawa stated.

"Yes sir." The girl answered. "Don't worry, your secrets safe, I haven't told a soul. Even if I'd rather you hadn't paired me up with those two." She muttered her final sentence.

The teacher nodded. "That's what happens when you get yourself involved in petty rivalries. Besides, I think if anyones going to resolve their issues, it's going to be a telepath." He said before taking his place at the front of the room. All students attention was then centred on the educator. "I want everyone in their hero gear, then meet in the practical exam area, Centre Plaza." He instructed.

As told, they all quickly put on their suits and added any extra gear they needed, still psyched about their own ideas of the future events. Meanwhile, the mind reader was stressing about what was actually about to happen. Most her classmates had a strong chance of winning, but some she assumed would lose, for example, her own team didn't have much of a chance against the number one pro hero, especially with the team itself trying to fight one another.

Soon enough, they all arrived in the exam area, smiles still scattered across each of their faces. "Now then, let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final, if you wanna go to camp then don't make any stupid mistakes." Aizawa said with all teachers stood around him.

"Um, why are all the teachers here?" Jiro asked.

"I expect many of you have gathered information or have an idea of what you'll be facing." The teacher continued, getting interrupted by two of his students.

"We're fighting them big old metal robots!" Kaminari yelled.

"Fireworks, s'mores, here we come!" Ashido added.

"Actually, this year..." a voice said from Aizawa's scarf. "Will be completely different for various reasons." He made himself known as he untucked his head.

"Principle Nezu?" Everyone was shocked, except the girl who knew everything.

"You're changing things?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"Finally." Kokoro muttered, earning a few glared but disregarding them completely.

"The tests now have a new focus, there will be hero work of course, but teamwork and combat between actual people. But what does that mean for you? You students will be working in pairs and fighting against one of our esteemed UA teachers." Nezu explained menacingly.

"We're fighting the teachers?" Uraraka gasped.

"Your partners and your opponents have already been chosen, they were decided at my discretion based on factors including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships. For example, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, against me." Aizawa smiled. "Then we have our trio, Midoriya, Hajime and Bakugo."

The two boys looked at one another in shock before Bakugo shifted his gaze to the telepath. She'd known about everything and had tried to warn him, but in his eyes, he didn't need her help. On the other hand, Midoriya, was slightly betrayed that the girl hadn't told him, since the news was so significant.

"And their opponent is All Might." The teacher finished as All Might arrived on the scene.

"I am here, to fight!" The pro said after landing in front of the trio. "You must work together, if you want to win." All Might chuckled.

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