Chapter 52

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'Where is everyone?' Hajime wondered as she sat in a room full of examinées. There were about twenty of them so far, so the others still had a chance, but it was best to be quick and get the test over with. Suddenly, Todoroki entered the building, at least one of them had made it, but he went off on his own too, which meant the group could have still been in danger.

"Todoroki." Kokoro walked towards him.

"Hajime." He replied. "I'm glad to see you made it."

"Same here, I was beginning to worry." She agreed. "We should get these targets removed before a queue forms. Coming?" Todoroki nodded and followed her to the front desk.

"What's your name miss?" The receptionist asked.

"Kokoro Hajime." She responded while the woman typed it into the computer and checked her name off the list.

"Okay. And you?" She turned to Todoroki.

"Shoto Todoroki." He spoke.

"Gotcha." The woman at the desk smiled. "I'm going to remove the targets now, if you don't mind." She leant towards them with the unique magnet and the targets dimmed, then fell into her hands.

"Thanks." Hajime said for the both of them and they found their way back to the seating area.

"Why'd you wander off?" Todoroki asked her. Curious as to what made her so desperate to leave the group, it wasn't like Hajime to act alone.

"I saw someone from my old school. They wanted to ambush me and crush my dreams of becoming a hero." Kokoro explained. "So I crushed theirs."

Suddenly, both Hajime and Todoroki could feel a pair of eyes on them, and noticed the room go quieter than it had previously been. It was Inasa, and his thoughts were petty, but understandable. "Do you know him?" Shoto asked.

"No, but he knows you."

"How so?"

"He took the same exam as you, and he thinks you acted like a dick, which you kinda did, but let's face it, you've changed a lot since then. Anything else I know will only make you feel bad, but I suggest you keep your distance from him. I wouldn't even apologise, it's a lost cause. He's made up his mind about you already." Hajime explained for him.

"56 contestants have passed so far." An announcer declared, making the two U.A students worry more.

"Can you see what's taking them so long?" Todoroki wondered, Hajime already had that idea so she tapped into her classmates minds.

"They've all been split up." She realised. "And... they're all struggling. Yaoyorozu and her group are surrounded. Bakugo and Kirishima have been immobilised. And the others are all scattered around a dangerous terrain." She said as she observed the dangerous situations they were all in. "Todoroki, they're failing."

"It's not over yet. They still have 44 spaces." He reassured.

It took a while, but eventually, they saw some familiar faces. Momo, Tsu, Shoji and Kyoka. The two students got to their feet to congratulate them, and were met with relief. 'See, they passed, I'm sure the others will too.' Todoroki thought.

"Let's hope so."

"Hey, you guys did well out there, I was spectating your game while I waited. Quick thinking Momo." Hajime praised.

"Thank you." The creation hero smiled. "I'm glad to see you two passed as well."

"I didn't doubt any of you." Tsu nodded her head.

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