Chapter 41

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It was Kokoro's last day living in her house, so she barely had anymore luggage other than her pyjamas and electronics. With haste, she set up her school uniform and then made her way to the living room. She'd miss Ichiro's morning coffee and his usual 'think fast' close calls. In fact, she might even miss him using his quirk, which she was sure could have some potential if he used it right.

'Think fast!' Ichiro thought and threw a flask towards her, that she caught with ease.

"This is the last coffee I'll be catching for a few weeks, maybe months." She joked and took a sip of the steaming liquid.

"They'll have coffee in the dorm kitchen, right?" Hina asked.

"It's not the same as having to be on your toes first thing in the morning. I might actually have to make it instead of catching it."

"What a nightmare." Ren rolled his eyes. "You better call us every single day. And I want to hear Hitoshi on some of those calls too." He ordered.

"What's with the change, I thought you hated him?" Kokoro tilted her head, her dads opinion of her friend had definitely changed over the weeks she spent in house arrest.

"Out of everyone, he was the one who visited the most. He helped you train. Hell, he even went to save you from villains. If anyones worthy of my daughter, it's him." Ren spoke, making his decision clear even to Ichiro.

"I'll be sure to tell him that." The telepath said sarcastically.

"Really!" Ren's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"No." She sliced his happiness in two. "But I do have to leave before I'm late. So I'll call you tonight?"

Instead of replying, the family all stormed Ko, smothering her in a heartfelt hug. They were going to miss her, and she would miss them too. But they were unaware of how much it hurt for their child to enter the world on their own.

"Good luck." Hina spoke, Ren nodded in agreement.

"I don't need luck, I need coffee." She joked and then marched to the front door, sending one final wave before setting off.


It took less time than usual for her to arrive at the school, mainly because her walking pace had quickened over the summer and she didn't have time to waste. Leading her to be one of the first student to arrive and wait outside the architectural masterpiece that UA managed to create within three days. She's seen it before, but now, knowing it would be her home, she was still shocked.

"Hajime." Aizawa approached her.


"I just wanted to let you know that your therapy starts tonight. At 16:00." Aizawa explained.

"Great." The girl muttered. "You know, legally, it's not required for me to talk in those sessions. I could sit there for hours."

"You could, but then you wouldn't improve or learn anything. I might be forcing these sessions but it's up to you to take them seriously."

"Is this really for the best. I can read their mind. Every imperfection they see in me, will be transferred into my head. Is that really better for my mental well-being?" Hajime quirked a brow, her point was valid, but Aizawa knew she'd put up a fight, so he prepared counter attacks.

"In that case, you'll know how vital it is for you to improve." He argued.

"I would argue about this more, however, everyone else is turning that corner." She stated and began to read into her classmates.

'Why is she so stubborn?' Aizawa thought, receiving a glare from his student, which he kindly returned with glowing red eyes.

When the students turned the corner, their excited cheers and happy thoughts flooded Kokoro's head. Reluctantly, she put in some earphones, rather than her bulky headphones, to cancel out some of the noise. Unfortunately for her, she'd left her favourite noise cancellers in her dorm room, already knowing she'd struggle to sleep at night.

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