Chapter 66

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Hajime was tired. She always was and always will be, but there was nothing she could do to stop her tiredness, so she cracked her back, listening to her neck make pops and grinds. It wasn't supposed to do that, but the time she spent aimlessly staring at the ceiling did that to her. She tried to take a nap after school, but her quirk simply wouldn't allow it, so when her phone screen lit the room, she eagerly looked at it.

"You want to train today? I need to practice using the capture weapon." It was Hitoshi, so Kokoro was happy to train with him.

"Sure, meet me outside my dorm building. There's space to train outside." She replied and quickly got into some sports clothes. When it came to training Kokoro was always serious, which was why so many people had requested she taught them a few things, but they soon got bored of her seriousness and force so they simply gave up.

Once she was ready, she grabbed two waters from the fridge and began to walk towards the door, however, she was intercepted by one of her classmates. "Oh, Hajime? Are you training?" Midoriya asked her, the telepath could already see where this was going.

"Yes, and no." She replied.


"Yes I'm training. No, you can't join me." She elaborated.

"But, you said you'd teach me your technique, it's not late at night, and you're training anyways. Plus, I kinda need it now. I've got my work study now, I'm sure you know what's going on with that." He explained, Kokoro hated that he actually had a point.

"If I refused, I'd be a horrible person, considering what you're referring to." She rolled her eyes. "Well played."

"Does that mean yes?"

"I'm teaching Hitoshi a few things first, but I guess I could beat you up after." The mind reader suggested. "See you in half an hour?"

"Yes!" He saluted. "I won't fail you Hajime!" He quickly ran to his dorm.

"Okay?" She quirked a brow then continued her route outdoors, perfect timing as Hitoshi walked through the gates.

"Toshi, take a right." She communicated causing the two to go off the path and onto the grassy area.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." She returned and got straight to the point. "Time is of the essence. Unfortunately, I promised Midoriya I'd teach him a few things too, so that's colliding with our training in approximately 28 minutes."

'Midoriya? That guy hates me, and I don't exactly like him either.'

"He doesn't hate you, he thinks you're admirable and heroic and shit." She countered. "And if you want, I could just make him kick some trees while we continue to train?" She offered, compromising for him.

"I'd actually enjoy that."

"I'm counting on it." She smiled back and looked at the scarf-looking weapon around his neck, she didn't necessarily know how to use it, but Aizawa did, and she tapped into his head a lot. Overall, she understood how it was supposed to be used, and the techniques, but was unsure when it came to the physical aspects of actually fighting with it.

"So, are we just doing to usual, you defend, I strike?" He asked, but Kokoro had other plans.

"No, you're way past that now. You've been training with Aizawa, plus, you've got a weapon with you." She stated.

"Yeah, a weapon I don't know how to use."

"Then you best learn quick, because we're going to fight in three, two, one." She counted down and then suddenly stepped away, predicting Hitoshi would strike first, which he did. Luckily, her quick dodge allowed her to gain distance.

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