Chapter 54

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"Anyway, the names of those who passed are listed in alphabetical order, keep my words in mind as you search the screen for your name." Mera instructed and the screen lit up with names.

Hajime frantically searched for her surname and her lips curved when she saw it. She'd passed. "Holy shit." Kokoro let out a sigh of relief. However, her smiled soon faded when she heard the thoughts of Todoroki and Bakugo. Sure, it was Bakugo's fault for his actions during the exam, but Todoroki's failure could've easily been avoided.

"Hey, Brain-Wave, right?" A student walked over to her, Hajime almost didn't recognise her without the face paint. It was the person she'd teamed up with during the rescue exam, June Higashi. "It's me, June."

"Hey, I see you passed too." Kokoro gave a thumbs up. "I'm Kokoro Hajime by the way, I'm not in my hero suit."

"I just recognised the hair and thought I'd say thank you." June attempted to give her a hug but the telepath held out her hand, stopping further contact.

"No, it was you really, you saw an opportunity and took it. You knew where you would be best and that was why you passed the exam, I only nodded my head." Kokoro reasoned.

"So, next we'll give you the run down of your results. They include a breakdown of your scores, so you'll know exactly what areas you need to improve going forward." Mera announced again and some people wearing suits began handing out papers.

"Hajime." One gave her the paper and looked to the girl beside her. "Higashi."

Both eagerly took their papers and began looking through. "We lobbed off points when you did something wrong, fall below 50 and you were done." Mera explained.

"What did you get?" June asked the telepath, the student herself had gotten 89 points.

"I got, 99." Hajime said in astonishment. "Wow."

"No freakin way! That's amazing." June cheered. "Anyways, I've got to get back to my class. It's been nice talking with you Kokoro." She waved, giving the telepath time to see her own class, which she wasn't looking forwards to.

'Hey mind reader. You promised me we'd talk.'

"Hawks." Hajime realised, she'd almost forgotten about his deal. "I'll sneak out now, meet me near the buses."

When she arrived at the location, Hawks was already there, waiting patiently on his phone. She knew exactly what he wanted. Information, but she wanted an internship, which was a pretty good bargain for both of them, considering it wouldn't be easy for him to make her spill.

"There's my favourite UA student." He cheered. "Congratulations on passing by the way."

"How am I you're favourite, we've never met." She deadpanned, the flattery was not working.

"Well, we've never met before, but I'm still your favourite pro hero." He tried to convince.

"Yeah, no. You're not." Hajime denied. "Get to the point already."

"Rumour has it that first years at UA are doing work studies this year, which means I get to pick out a few students to come and work for me." He hinted. "I was thinking you and Tokoyami. What do ya say?"

"I'd say it's a good opportunity. But, don't think for a second that you can manipulate or trick me. I'm smart." She advised.

'I thought I was a good actor.'

"You are, but you can't exactly change your thoughts." She replied to his mind. "That said, It doesn't matter. You can try to manipulate me, but it won't work, so I guess I'll accept your offer."

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