Chapter 48

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"So you know how I feel, right?"

The answer was obvious, no one could keep a secret from Hajime, but for some reason, she didn't know what to say. It was odd for someone who always knew how to respond, to be at a loss for words. Hitoshi noticed that too, he was good at reading Kokoro, but at that moment, there was nothing behind her gaze.

"Hitoshi, I don't know what to say." She finally revealed, looking to her watch again.

'She's been reading my mind, so why doesn't she know what she thinks?' Hitoshi wondered.

"I guess I just wanted to be normal for once, I tried to ignore your thoughts because I didn't want to ruin a chance at an average high school dilemma. For normal people, this is the biggest question people face. But I've got a lot more on my plate, so I pushed it aside." Kokoro explained. "Sorry about that. I'm slightly ill prepared."

"It's normal not to know what to say. But I must admit, I'm a little worried."

"And why's that?"

"You're don't normally think this long, you're straight forward and calculated. So this is new." Shinsou explained, causing Hajime to flash him a smile.

"We're the same in that sense. I'm not used to this either." Suddenly, her alarm went off, it was 18:00, curfew. "God, I feel like some sort of princess, I have too flee before I can actually admit that I feel the same way." She joked and pressed snooze on the alarm. "Luckily, I'm not your average damsel in distress."

"You like me?" He asked, but when Hajime kissed his cheek, his question was answered.

"There's a party tomorrow night in the dorms for everyone who gets their provisionals. You should come, I'm sure Mr Aizawa won't mind, plus, he doesn't exactly know yet." Hajime invited, but Shinsou was still shocked from her response. "I'll take that as a yes, until said otherwise. I'll see you there." She waved and then re entered the building to see most of her class in the common room, along with Aizawa waiting patiently for her to arrive.

"You're late." He revealed and brought up his phone screen. 18:02. Maybe she was later than she'd hoped.

"I was on the porch, so technically, I was on campus by curfew." Hajime defended.

"The orders were 'be inside for curfew' so don't try and use technicalities against the rules." The teacher continued to scold.

"Mr Aizawa, it's two minutes. No one else has a curfew, it's bad enough I had to be on house arrest all summer break, but this is too far. You know that." Her previous smile had now completely disappeared, who was he to try and take away her freedom?

'I know kid, but rules are rules.' Aizawa thought.

"Then change them, or at least negotiate fair terms." Kokoro projected, but her telepathy was returned by an awful quiet and glowing red eyes, clearly he didn't like her invasiveness. "Sorry, sometimes I forget that you're completely fine with holding me hostage, as long as U.A's reputation stays in tact." With that, she left and went back up to her room, it didn't take long for new inner voices to fill her head, which was a nuisance on its own.

After getting changed, she lay out a yoga mat and began doing some stretches. It was a way to calm down and stay in shape, so she enjoyed the efficiency. However, even when trying to distract herself, her mind was never at rest. She wondered why Mr Aizawa even put up,with her rudeness, if it was another student, he'd snap, or even expel them. That had to mean he pitied her, right? After all she'd been through, he couldn't just take away her dream.

Suddenly, Hajime heard a knock at her door, followed by thoughts. 'What if she says no? She probably will, maybe I should just leave? No, I've already knocked, she'd be annoyed if I run.'

"Midoriya." She opened the door, still in her cycling shorts and crop top. Instantly, the green haired boy jumped back and his face coated red. He'd never realised how muscular she was, which was probably why she was a strong fighter and managed to get so far in the sports festival, plus, she needed to be able to balance easily, so her physique explained a lot. "I can hear your thoughts." She revealed, making him even more flustered.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!" He bowed down.

"Get to the point." She ignored his apology, rolling her eyes.

"Will you please teach me your fighting style!?" He begged, alerting the whole dorm with his loudness.

"Right now? It's late." She questioned.

"I was just hoping to maybe learn something before the exam tomorrow, anything will do."

"Oh, you're serious?" She realised. "Well, you're not going to learn anything that you'll be able to remember, let alone use. But, I could possibly teach you something that would stick."

"Really!?" His eyes sparkled, making Hajime feel bad about what she was about to do.

"Yep. It's called not bothering someone at eight o'clock, just so you can learn something that you should have asked for earlier." She shot her response, making Midoriya quake in fear.

'She's going to kill me! I'm going to die without my provisional license! All Might won't have a successor!'

"Jeez, I'm not that scary." She snickered. "Seriously though, you're not going to learn anything of significance here, especially on such short notice. But, regardless, here's some advice." She offered. "I probably shouldn't warn you, but the sports festival is still relevant, which means everyone we're up against, all know our quirks. Therefore, we have to compensate. It's a good thing we've all improved since then."

"What's that supposed to mean? You know what the exam is, don't you?"

"Of course I do." Hajime stated. "Anyways, that's it from me. I've got to prepare to stare at the ceiling for the next 8 hours."

"I've got some sleep medication if you'd like?"

"I'm good." She declined and shut her door. She needed to sleep well to be in her best form for the exam, so she searched for a playlist and then plugged in her earphones. Hoping it would be easier.

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