Chapter 62

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After agreeing to be taught by Aya Sasaki, Hajime walked back to the dorms, it was getting dark and she'd already ignored her phone longer than she would have liked to. Upon glancing at it, she saw notifications from Aizawa, Hawks, Tokoyami, Hitoshi and an endless amount from her class group chat, each asking how the work studies were going. Kokoro was grateful that Tokoyami was reserved, so he wouldn't have told anyone.

Suddenly, her screen lit up. Her teachers name appeared, any more phone call dodges and he'd probably start panicking. So, she answered it, preparing herself for the lecture.

"Hey teach." She greeted.

"Hajime, this is the fifth time I've called you, why haven't you picked up?" He demanded, no hi, no hello, just questions. Hajime was getting sick of questions.

"I quit my internship with Hawks." She revealed. "It didn't go as I expected it to."

The teacher could hear the slight pain in her voice. But it wasn't something that should be discussed over the phone, so he decided to wait until he saw her in person. "You better be on your way back to the dorms. And I expect a full explanation."

"Sure thing. I'm almost there now."

"Don't bother going inside." He quickly informed. "Shinsou and I are training outside, you can join us while I run a few things by you."

"Got it." She hung up the phone, no point in saying bye, she'd be with them in a minute or so anyways.


Soon later, Kokoro saw a cloud of purple hair tied up in a binding cloth, automatically, she assumed Aizawa had captured Shinsou, but she found it hilarious that he'd captured himself.

"I'm not going to get out of it, sir. Please, just help." Shinsou asked for the millionth time. God knows how long he was actually trapped.

"What's got you all wound up?" Kokoro approached them, her smile hiding the strange day she'd had.

"Ko?" Shinsou asked. "What're you doing here?" In all honestly, Hitoshi would have preferred to not embarrass himself in front of his girlfriend, so he was slightly thrown off by her arrival.

"I told her to." Aizawa defended. "I needed to ask you some questions without the whole class trying to eavesdrop."

"Actually, I think I've been asked my fair share of questions today, so I'll pass." She declined, but that wasn't the answer her teacher desired.

"Let me rephrase that." Aizawa's eyes glowed. "I have questions, and you will answer them. As your teacher, I'm required to know your whereabouts when you cut class."

Now Hitoshi was interested. He never thought that Kokoro would be the type to skip school, especially since she was so desperate to be a hero, it didn't make sense for her to take risks like that. "You cut class?" He asked from the floor, struggling to look at her because of the cloth he was trapped in.

"Technically, no." She replied cautiously.

"Technically, you're wrong. You weren't at a work study and you weren't at school. By definition, you were skipping." Eraser Head argued. "I don't want to put you in detention, but if you don't give me a rational reason, you'll be spending the rest of the week with Mic." He continued, threatening Present Mics detention classes, scary.

"The internship with Hawks was a stupid decision. Things were said, we both got angry, and I left. I needed to let off some steam so I walked around for a little while. Then I met another pro, who offered me a work study." She remembered the paperwork in her bag. "Here." She handed it to him.

"Takeshita, huh?" He observed, although the hero was number 19, he didn't know why Hajime would chose him of all people, their quirks weren't similar. "To my understanding, you've been offered a work study with Sir Nighteye. According to my professional opinion, I'd say that's the better offer for you. Your quirks are similar, and he's much more well respected than the bamboo hero."

"I've chosen Takeshita, it's final, I just need your permission and I can continue as though nothing happened." She denied the advise. "Trust me, I'm fully aware of what I'm doing."

"I'm not." Hitoshi kept trying to escape but continued to fail. "Ko, please help."

"I'd love to." She smiled. "But, something tells me this is a journey of self discovery." She said sarcastically.

"It's not."

"Yep, you're learning new things." She teased again.


"What kind of hero would I be if I stood in the way of your progress?"

"A saint."

"Stop." Aizawa interrupted. "Just stop. Hajime, go back to the dorms and fill in the paperwork. And Shinsou, try harder." He referred to his imprisonment.

Luckily, Hajime could give him a hint. "The end of the cloth is on your right shoulder. Take that advise as you will." She winked and waved at the two.

"Well, see ya." She said her goodbyes and took a short walk back.

She was pleased that Aizawa hadn't asked any further questions, he must have known about some of the details, after all, he did try to talk her out of her initial internship with Hawks. He didn't often show it, but he cared for all of his students, even the troublemakers.

"Koko!" Mina launched herself towards Hajime, who barely managed to dodge. "I've been calling you nonstop! You didn't come back with Tokoyami and we were all so worried."

"No need, I was just getting myself a new internship. I decided Hawks wasn't for me. Number 3 or not, he's pretty careless." She explained, not wanting to get into the details with anyone. Not even Tokoyami knew the real story, and she intended to keep it that way.

No one could know.


I find the most random side characters sometimes

I find the most random side characters sometimes

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That's Takeshita by the way. He's a real character but is significantly less relevant than any other characters.

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