Chapter 38

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The bright and colourful streets of Yokohama city contrasted the fear in everyone's eyes. But unlike those who were afraid of the future and All Might, Hajime felt more relieved than ever. She'd never felt relieved to come out of a fight with a cut cheek, a slashed wrist and a pounding headache. Usually, she found that as a weakness that she needed to improve on, but now, she was happy that her injuries were so mild.

Yaoyorozu didn't give Hajime enough time to thank them, instead, she ushered her and Shinsou away from the villains and back towards the city where they soon met with Todoroki. She was grateful that her friends had risked so much to save her, even after she ordered them to make a run for it.

Once they were secure, Hajime was the first to speak. "Thank you." She spoke, averting all attention back onto her. But despite knowing exactly what she wanted to say, she just couldn't. The telepath wanted to tell them that she was terrified, that she felt responsible, that she understood the villains, but she couldn't admit that. So instead of facing reality, she changed the subject. "Why do you all look like you're going clubbing?"

"Oh, well, these are just disguises. They were absolutely necessary." Momo waved her arms around, trying to defend their pitstop to the clothing store.

Instead of arguing, Kokoro just nodded, which was unusual for Hitoshi to witness, normally, the girl was full of criticism and always open to sharing. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Im fine." Hajime answered dryly.

'You can trust me.' He thought, knowing she could read him.

"I think I just need a rest." She answered, lying. However, Hitoshi knew Kokoro, and she definitely wasn't fine. Hesitantly, he got closer to her and opened his arms, the girl sensed this, but didn't retaliate. Instead, she allowed him to hug her, it would have been nice if she wasn't trying to suppress her own tears.

"It's okay, you're safe now." He whispered words of reassurance, and Hajime's wall of composure instantly collapsed. Tears were streaming, her breathing was beginning to get quicker, and her eyes were jammed tightly shut. In attempts to hide her state, she buried her head into Shinsou's chest.

'I didn't realise they were that close.' Momo thought, where as Todoroki didn't care, he was more concerned about the alternate mission to save Bakugo.


"Yeah?" He answered quietly.

"Please don't tell anyone I was crying." She asked and then began to wipe her eyes, preparing to face the facts.

'I've got you covered Brainwave.'

Hajime smiled, she was still in disbelief as to how he managed to get become a part of the rescue team, but she was proud of him. "All right." She looked at her classmates. "We need to regroup with team 2, then we'll head to the police station." She instructed and Todoroki took out his phone, scrolling to Midoriya's contact.

"Midoriya, are you safe?" The half and half user asked.

"Yeah, how about you guys? No one saw you?" Midoriya asked from the other side.

"Yeah, but Shinsou sent them away. We're on the streets blending in with the crowd now, some pro's are here helping people evacuate."

"We're stuck in front of the station, luckily we missed that last shockwave, our rescue mission worked."

"A rescue mission? That's not what happened back there. You guys just happened to be my best escape route." Bakugo protested in the background of the call.

"Oh shut up, you wouldn't have lasted long without me." The telepath butted in.

"I saved your ass!" He defended.

"After I told the pro's where we were. Twice!" She shot back.

"Knowing you, you probably gave them a shitty explanation anyways!"

"That didn't sound like a thank you!"

Their bickering would have continued if Todoroki hadn't been responsible and hung up the phone, breaking the argument and giving Hajime the last word. "The news are broadcasting the fight." He alerted and all heads turned to the screens on the buildings.

All Might was losing, his muscle form was gone, but he still remained vigilant. "What's wrong? Is everyone seeing this? It looks like All Might's been shrunk some how." The reporter questioned. "Is he frozen?" He added, observing how his lips were moving, yet he made no attempt to even step forward.

"What's going on?" Yaoyorozu wondered, along with most the crowd.

"He said something to him." Hajime observed.

"Hajime, why is All Might weakening?" Todoroki continued the questions.

"I don't tell secrets." She replied, eyes glued to the screen, which made her realise the near future. The police were going to want to know everything, but she couldn't give that to them, it was her own code of conduct and to fail that would be equal to failing herself. Suddenly, she felt her friend grab onto her hand, it was strange, she hadn't even displayed any emotion, yet Hitoshi could read her like a book.

Regardless of the pain All Might was experiencing, his muscle form returned to his right arm, along with reinforcements from other pros, they finally stood a chance. That's when the news crew zoomed in on the other pros, specifically Tiger pulling Ragdoll from the rubble, she was still alive.

However, just as her hopes blossomed, another huge blast erupted and she was no longer so convinced. Pro hero's were being tossed around, the only one still standing was All Might. Then, the villain merged all his quirks the together, but the symbol of peace held his ground, punching back and then switching his power to the other arm. Until finally, he gained the strength needed to earn a winning punch against All For One.

It was obvious that the last punch was unique, especially when it caused an explosion so big that the four students could all see its aftermath from their evacuation trail. The crowd all stared at the screen in awe, soon noticing that All Might was the only one still standing, raising his left fist into the air with his victory.

Before long, the news reporters and police all rushed to the scene, covering the recent events. "The heroes began rescue operations during All Mights fight, however the damage is still staggering. Authorities are estimating a large number of casualties. The villain who caused this is..." The press turned around. "There! He's being led into the prison right now. Meanwhile, the other heroes remain on high alert."

The reporter stoped speaking when All Might raised his hand, pointing at the camera. "Now." He began. "Now, it's your turn." The symbol of peace stated, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers, only few people understood the true meaning, Hajime was one of them.

"Come on, we should regroup, I can locate them, just stay close." The girl switched the subject and began manoeuvring through the civilians.

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