Chapter 30

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He was petrified.

The realisation sparked an interest inside Hajime, what else could she do? He was completely at her mercy, if her quirk allowed her to freeze his nervous system, then who's to say she couldn't manipulate it at her will. You never know until you try.

"Hey Midoriya, you mind if I try something?" She asked him, awaiting his thoughts but they never came, his ear drums mustn't have been able to process the vibrations from the sound. Instead of communicating telepathically, she decided to try and bring his senses back, allowing Hajime to try and train her quirk.

She focused and shut out all the voices she was hearing until she focused on one mind, Midoriya's. After that, she focused on herself, trying to recreate the feeling of energy she'd previously felt. "Can you hear me?" She asked.

'Hajime! You can let me go now, I can hear you.' He answered, but the revelation wasn't enough, she needed to improve more. So she focused again, this time, concentrating on all the muscles needed for speech.

"Can you talk?"

Midoriya panicked for a moment but soon found himself able to speak. "Yes." He answered. Hajime's smiled grew, this proved she could manipulate the nervous system, that she had more power than she thought possible.

"Ko? What's going on?" She suddenly heard Ragdoll question. Instead of feeling pride, the teen panicked, scared of what others may think of her if they saw something like this, regardless if it was her family; they'd already proven to be untrustworthy.

"It's amazing, her quirk froze me, so I guess that means your quirk isn't actually telepathy, could it have something to do with neurons? Is that why you can read minds too? But how does any of this even make-" The boy began to trail off before Hajime stopped him.

"Midoriya you're mumbling." She informed and turned to Tomoko. "Yeah, I've been set up to work on the new aspect of my quirk."

"Yeah, surprised I heard about it from Mandalay, you're usually quick to call me." The hero replied, her jealousy made known.

'So why didn't she tell me?'

"Sorry, I've just had a lot on my plate." Hajime communicated to her Auntie.

"Um, Hajime? Can you let me go?" Midoriya broke their conversation, but Hajime couldn't blame him, being paralysed was terrifying. The years she'd suffered from sleep paralysis gave her that knowledge. Immediately, she released the boy from her psychic hold.

"Sorry." She spoke briefly.

The rest of the day was similar to before, every now and again, Hajime would be shot with a super strength quirk, however, it helped her stay focused and taught her to ignore the distractions around her. Thus, her quirk became second nature, striving in the new conditions. Sometimes, Midoriya even let her trail her quirk, testing new theories and expanding her potential. Until finally, the sun began to set, it's amber glow reflected from the tired eyes of the students as they sluggishly walked to the main camp.

"Now, remember what I said about not serving your food anymore!" Pixie-Bob yelled as Ragdoll pointed at all the ingredients piled onto a table.

"If you guys want to eat, you'll have to make your own meals!" The green haired hero cheered. "Curry!" She jumped around and laughed. "You guys look exhausted, but that doesn't mean you can coast by making sloppy cat food!" Kokoro's auntie yelled, making the students feel even more tired.

"I see." Iida thought aloud. "An important part of saving someone recovering from a disaster is providing for them. Ah! This is a great opportunity. Let's make the best curry in the world everyone!" The class rep shouted, somehow inspiring the classes.

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