Chapter 25

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Headphones blaring, Hajime walked down the street, attempting to walk to the beat of the song she was playing, but ultimately deciding the pace didn't suit her much. One of the disadvantages of her quirk was that it was often overwhelming in environments like shopping centres, so this was likely going to be a nightmare. However, if anyone asked her about it, then she decided to finally answer the prolonged mystery of her quirk.

When she finally arrived at the entrance, she was met with the majority of her class, only a few still needing to arrive. Despite being a short distance away from the building, some stray thoughts still made their way into the telepaths head, she wished she'd invited Hitoshi, perhaps he'd be easier to confide in with a situation like this.

"Oh man, do I love this place?" Mina cheered. "It's got so many stores to shop at and their all super cool. The Kiyashi ward shopping mall." She introduced once everyone was ready to enter the huge building.

Instantly, Hajime set her headphones onto full blast, she was sure everyone could hear her music but decided that she didn't have any energy to waste on their opinions today. Besides, their internal voices could still be heard as whispers.

"Woah, aren't they UA students?" A group of boys pointed.

"Yeah, 1A!"

"I saw them on TV in the sports festival! You were all so good!"

"I wanna track down a new duffel bag to bring to summer training." Kyoka spoke to both Momo and Kokoro.

"Yeah, maybe we should all browse together?" Yaoyorozu suggested.

"Sure, but I need to buy myself some new cargos, and bug spray, and sun cream, and, you know what, I need to get a lot of stuff." The mind reader concluded, following the girls away from the main group.

"I don't know how you can hear anything with your music on so loud." Kyoka stated after slightly tapping the girls shoulder.

"Yeah, my quirk doesn't go well with crowded places." Hajime admitted.

'Is she finally gonna spill the secret?' Jiro then thought, the close proximity allowing Hajime to make out her inner voice.

"Aren't we going to find out what it is when we go to training camp?" Yaoyorozu asked, but she already knew the answer.

"Probably, but I guess I could tell you now. If you want?" The telepath quirked a brow, the other girls almost thought she was tricking them. "I used to think it was telepathy, but recently it's mutated, I guess if I was to assume, I'd say it has something to do with neurons."

"So that's how you knew about the bet." Jiro guessed. "Sorry about that by the way."

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but how exactly does that help?" Momo wondered.

"I know everything about everyone, including weaknesses. And when the body wants to make a move, the brain sends impulses to that location, then I can dodge or counter that easily. Not to mention, blackmail."

'Blackmail?' Both girls thought at once, a little fear in their tone. Hajime knew it was probably a mistake to tell them, they couldn't relate to her like Hitoshi could.

"I would never tell anyone any secrets though, that would be wrong." She reassured. However, she could tell the girls were scared. Standing there in awe wasn't helping the situation resolve one bit, maybe they needed time to process her quirk without her listening in, either way, Kokoro was uncomfortable; she could hear what they were thinking, how they felt violated. "Actually, I might start my own shopping now, that way, I'll catch up with you later." Hajime said before resting her headphones back over her head.

She could hear a few muffled calls from behind her, and the thoughts told her that they were sorry, but she couldn't shake the familiar feeling of discomfort. It was too well known to forget so easily. Instead of wandering around in self pity, Hajime walked to the pharmacy, she needed something to help her sleep. Especially with the thoughts of her classmates being so random.

As soon as she bought her sleeping pills, she exited the shop, and began humming the tune of the song. Thoughts could still be heard, but she tried to tune them out, until she heard something that piqued her interests.


It was Midoriya, she almost dropped her bags when she realised his situation. Instantly, she changed directions and began sprinting towards him, he needed her and her quirk was finally useful, finally proving itself. Quickly, she manoeuvred throughout the people surrounding her, their thoughts becoming blurs compared to the one she'd targeted. That's when she saw him, hand wrapped around his neck.

The girl hurried towards Midoriya, she hadn't yet planned what she was going to say, but after glancing at the villains mind, she had a brief idea.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She began. "All I have to do is blink and your location and real name goes straight to the hero commission." She threatened.

"Huh, you weren't in the last level?" He thought aloud. "Oh, you're the brat from the sports festival. That's right, you've got a pretty strong quirk." He reluctantly released his hold on Izuku and slowly walked towards the girl, his new target.

When the gap decreased, Kokoro contacted the police with her telepathy, it was the quicker option. She didn't answer him, or even acknowledge him, there was nothing to say, that was clear. So instead, she maintained her glare, challengingly, he glared back.

"You know better than anyone how messed up this society is, don't you?" The villain questioned.

"And what if I do? Doesn't mean I'm gonna go on a killing spree." She answered, that's when Shigaraki turned his head, looking around before beginning to walk away.

"Guess that's what makes us different, you're willing to be passive, I'm not." He said.

"Wait, Shigaraki, I have a question too." Midoriya called out. "What does all for one want?"

"Who knows really." Was all he said before disappearing into the crowd, back into the darkness he'd emerged from. Izuku instantly fell to his knees, he was terrified out of his mind, he'd barely managed to contain his fear. Hajime looked at him, she didn't really know how to respond.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" She asked, scanning his mind to look for injury.

"I'm fine." He answered. "Thanks to you."

"Sorry about the delay, I was at the opposite side of the mall. That, and I was trying to block out thoughts." She admitted. "Security are on their way, we'll probably get interrogated, and I'll be reprimanded for using my quirk in a public space."

"But, you can't control it." Midoriya stated.

"I realise that." Hajime scoffed. "I was already having a shitty day." The telepath sighed.

With no rush, a singular security guard slowly walked towards the two, looking on his phone to see if the teenagers matched the description. "He wouldn't have been much help anyways." The telepath nodded her head in the direction of the guard. Midoriya looked disheartened by her honesty, but it wasn't too high on Kokoro's priorities. She saw something in Shigaraki's mind, or rather someone. Himiko Toga.

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