Chapter 65

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For the next few days, Kokoro was the centre of attention, or rather, her alter ego was. Samurai was on the news, on the radio and even on her friends minds, she'd officially made her debut and maybe even made herself too well known to the world. Previously, she promised Aya that she'd do the minimum, but somehow, she took down four guys in a moving car. Sure, some were angry about her violent approach and the traffic she'd caused, but they were a decimal compared to her new fans.

Most of them were older civilians and pros who remembered Aya's work, but  everyone seemed to like the idea of a vigilante who was a mystery to the world. Maybe that was what intrigued them, along with the mask. Secretly, most were wondering what she looked like, or if she was hot.

"She's on TV again!" Kaminari announced and the class gathered around the screen, watching the footage of her fight.

"She's so brutal." Yaoyorozu gasped as she watched the knife land on its target again.

"Yeah, but it was so cool, right?" Sero countered.

"It's not as brutal as some pros." Asui added.

"Yeah, Snipe shoots his enemies." The telepath agreed, it was best to act natural.

"Plus, you can tell she's aiming for the legs, because she's a hero." Sato commented, he was actually right, yet he did need correcting on some fronts.

"Not a hero, a vigilante." Iida replied. "It's against the law to fight villains without a license, and strictly illegal to run from the police like that."

"Hm, where have I heard that before?" Hajime scoffed, out of everyone, Iida was the most hypocritical. Between Stain and saving her and Bakugo, he had his own list of crimes.

"Are you condoning her actions?" He asked.

"I'm on neutral ground here. Guess I don't know what to think really." She shrugged, as passive as ever.

Then as the room quietened, she could finally hear the reporters. "Is it true that Samurai saved you 30 years ago?"

"Yes, she saved me from a burning building, someone had a fire quirk, and she walked through it like it was nothing. Like an angel." The civilian said.

"This is clearly not the same woman though, is it?" The reporter continued as the civilian shook their head. "What do you think of that?"

"I mostly agree that it's a copycat, but part of me is hoping that maybe it's her successor? She knew how to fight and what not, and she moved similarly to her too. I hope it's the latter." They answered.

"And what do you think about the backlash she's receiving from the public safety commission? There's actually a warrant out for her arrest now, they're hoping to capture her."

"I think they're scared of her." The civilian scoffed.

"How so?"

"They're scared that someone out there won't follow their orders and instead they'll follow their heart. Stain proved to us that there are false heroes out there, and the world is scared they'll be punished for their wrongdoings. The Samurai I knew was a vengeful woman who didn't discriminate when taking down people she saw as villains."

Hajime couldn't agree more. Aya was right when she said the people she trusted the most were those that she saved, they were powerful allies and still advocated for her actions. Kokoro needed that.

"Do you think that the copycat is a follower of Stain? Could his speech have fuelled her uprising?" The reporter questioned, but she was wrong.

"Stain obviously caused a panic and new villains to emerge, but Samurai has been around for decades before Stain. Right now, we need a vigilante like her more than ever, I think this new Samurai knows that too. I hope that's the reason at least."

"Thank you for your time, it's back to you Lita and Matsuda." The reporter switched back to the presenters, who had a member of the public safety commission around their table.

"Thanks Haru." Lita smiled and turned to her new guest. "Well I understand you're a cog in the grand machine, what do you have to say about this vigilante?"

"It's a disgrace." The man answered. "We've successfully monitored the safety of Japan for years, without the need for vigilantes. Our heroes are trained both physically and mentally for their work and we're grateful for all of them. Any false claims to heroes are simply that, false. I honestly can't believe the public is even comparing her to a hero. She's breaking the law, therefore she's a villain. And we'll have multiple pro heroes as well as detectives gathering a case on her. Trust me, we will find her, and when we do, she will receive her punishments accordingly. And if you're hearing this and know you're involved, then surrender your identity now rather than later, that's if you want to reduce your prison sentence."

Kaminari turned off the TV, he wanted to watch the video of the vigilante again like before, he'd even seen a few edits of her and it was safe to say he was a fan. But he didn't sign up to watch an old man scold her for saving someone's life. "Did I hear that wrong?" He asked.

"Nope, just another privileged idiot trying to attack someone who saved a woman in danger." Jiro was the first to respond. "Face it, without her, no one would have known that woman was even in that van. Because it looked so normal."

"Yeah, how do you think she found out?" Mina chimed in. "Maybe she has x-ray vision or something?"

"What if she saw it happen and chased to van, it looked like she had it targeted for a while?"

Good questions, but Kokoro had her own. What was she going to do? And who was the hero who was going to monitor her? She hoped it was one she didn't know, that way she could just avoid her problems, like usual. But something also wanted it to be someone who's mind she could read easily, that was she'd always be one step ahead.

"Dude, she's already got fan accounts." Sero revealed, the profile picture was just a photo of her from the civilian footage, but she was happy nonetheless.

"Haji, you're smart." Hagakure approached her with Uraraka. "So I was thinking..."

"That's never a good sign." Kokoro mumbled.

"What?" The girl stopped her sentence.

"Never mind."

"Anyways, if you could chose any pro hero to date, who would you chose?" It was an unexpected question, at first, Kokoro thought she was going to be asked about the vigilante, but no. Her classmates moved on.

"That question has nothing to do with my intellectual capacity." Kokoro deadpanned, the wording of Hagakures question was terrible.

"Well, what's your answer?" She persisted.

"Never really thought about it, you know, because I'm 16 and most of them are in their late 40s." She answered. In all seriousness, dating a pro was completely different than having a teenage crush on one.

"You're so boring." Hagakure groaned. "Come on, what about Hawks?"

Normally, she would have said he's not bad, but recent circumstances changed that opinion. She didn't hate him, she didn't even dislike him, in fact, she wanted to make up but didn't exactly know how to do it. He'd already apologised over text, and it would have been a smarter option to go back and try for his agency again, but it was too late now.

"He's a bird." She reverted to her old response.

"Well, what abou-"

"I've actually got to go now, but I'll answer whatever that was later." She slowly backed away, evading the bombardments of questions that were still following her.

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