Chapter 73

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Everything was confusing for the telepath. One moment she felt like she was the change the world needed, the next, she felt like she was worthless. What good is having the power of revolution if she wasn't able to execute it? In other words, she was nothing more than a bird in a cage - trapped from the struggles in dire need of her help.

It was all a mess-

Suddenly, a foot collided with the girls stomach, sending her back a few steps before she regained her composure and ducked under the oncoming capture weapon that Hitoshi was wielding - he had been getting far better at that recently. Kokoro sometimes forgot when she was training, allowing her body to run on autopilot while her head was far above the clouds. But it didn't do any harm, she usually didn't get hit though.

To make up for her slip up, she allowed the weapon to capture her before she gripped onto it and jumped above Hitoshi, tangling him in his own scarf. Like usual, she won their sparring training, but with a clear amount of extra work than usual.

"Ko?" Hitoshi questioned, unraveling the scarf as the girl offered him a hand. "Are you sure you're doing okay? I didn't want to say anything but you've been making some rookie mistakes recently. I mean, I actually landed a hit on you. That doesn't normally happen." He reasoned with her, but his girlfriend brushed it off with a small hum.

"You need to give yourself more credit, you're improving fast." Kokoro semi-lied; it was true he was improving but he obviously wouldn't have landed that hit if she was fully invested in the fight. Despite his strength, he lacked speed, allowing the telepath to always dodge in time.

"As much as I love it when you compliment me, I'm not desperate enough to believe you didn't make a mistake." Shinsou folded his arms sceptically, not wavering as Hajime flashed him an innocent smile to try and drop the subject. Alas, he was stubborn, he had to be if he stood a chance at challenging his girlfriend. "You can tell me anything, you know? I'm always here for you, partners in crime."

Sighing, Kokoro raked a hand through her hair, discomfort evident. "I know, but even my therapist couldn't handle what I had to tell her. I doubt she's going to come back." The girl replied.

Shinsou may not have understood the situation, but he was painfully aware that Kokoro had too much on her shoulders. Chieko leaving must have hurt her too, not to mention Aizawa had been in a sour mood when he'd gotten back from his patrol, he'd been talking on the phone for what felt like hours before teaching him new techniques with the scarf. Something about setting up an undercover hero in a local convenience store.

"I think training can wait." Hitoshi decided. "Why don't we take a break? We can go to that cafe we both like?" He offered, to which Kokoro nodded her head.

"I think thats best. Can I meet you there? I need to change."


After avoiding questions from her class - about the school festival and their theme - Kokoro got dressed in her usual attire, decorating her ears in jewellery once again. Then, she strolled to the cafe she spent most her weekends at.

It held a special place in her heart. She'd had her first date with Shinsou there, both official and unofficial. She'd told her secrets there. And best of all, it was quiet, a brief break from the constant voices. Not to mention the coffee was to die for, hence heightening the appeal.

When she arrived, a cup of coffee was already awaiting her in front of Shinsou, who was anxiously sipping his own. "Sorry I'm late, my friends won't stop asking me about the festival." She apologised, initiating small talk.

"1C are doing a haunted house. I'm playing the role of a zombie." He laughed.

"At least you won't need any eye makeup." The telepath followed.

"Ha, ha." The boy rolled his eyes. "But seriously, what's on your mind?"

'That was a stupid question' he then mentally scolded himself. 'What isn't on her mind?'

"You're right, it's a shitty question." Hajime agreed, sipping her own cup. "I recently realised that even if I can see danger a mile away, I can't do anything about it until the crime has already been committed. Meaning I'm putting innocent people in direct danger just so I can arrest someone." She briefly explained the situation, her third time repeating the phrases.

It didn't take long for Shinsou to understand her struggle, it made sense after all. She'd trained so hard only to be powerless against the law - it made sense that she became a vigilante, though he knew it was best that she gave that up.

"You can't make the rules. It sucks, but it's the law." He tried to condole.

"Samurai didn't have to follow any rules." Kokoro revealed stubbornly, hearing every last one of his worried thoughts. "Thats probably why she's in jail now." She then sighed, realising he was right, she couldn't continue risking her future like that.

"You want to do it again? Don't you?" He questioned, fearing her answer.

"I couldn't pull it off again anyway. My suits gone, along with my cover story and Aya. Samurai is gone, all thats left is what could have been."

"Yeah? Well you could have been arrested." He mocked, resulting in a judgemental glare from his girlfriend. "I'm sorry but it's true, anything could have happened."

"So what you're saying is, there's nothing else I can do? I just have to deal with this? How am I supposed to be a hero if I just stand by and let people get hurt? I don't get it?"

"Fuck. Ko, last time you did something, you passed out in my arms, bleeding. If I wasn't there, you could have died. I can't let you keep putting your life in danger like that because I love you and I don't know what I'd do if you died." Hitoshi scolded, his words bouncing from Kokoro as she took one phrase to heart.

Obviously, dying wasn't her goal, she most certainly didn't want to leave anyone behind and cause such a mass amount of pain. However, risks needed to be taken, and she was the only one who knew those risks. Yet, Hitoshi's advise didn't stick with her, not when she heard his confession in the midst of it.

"You love me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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